Example sentences of "held [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 N may be too large for there to be room for that number of add instructions to be held economically in the store , or the value of N may not be known when the program is being prepared ( for example it might be read in as a piece of data ) .
2 The reserve goalkeeper held on to the place for four months , and was selected for several weeks after Grobbelaar returned to action with the reserves .
3 The reserve goalkeeper held on to the place for four months , and was selected for several weeks after Grobbelaar returned to action with the reserves .
4 I tugged and lugged the dinghy until it was sliding backwards down the bank , and then held on to the painter , digging my heels in , leaning back to prevent too fast and splashy a launch .
5 None of the earlier owners seem to have held on to the property for very long , for in 1647 , it was acquired by the Earl of Pembroke , then shortly afterwards , it was sold to Lord Pawlet , who is reported to have entertained General Fairfax at Chiswick House , on a number of occasions .
6 In use , the pack is held on to the tool by a single metal strap , but the pack is recessed so far into the machine that this was perfectly stable .
7 But he would not let her , her stubborn sailor , he held on to her as the walls held on to the moving air within her house .
8 The way in which fireplace surrounds are held on to the wall of the chimney breast varies according to the type of surround .
9 The longer that socialist parties held on to the old orthodoxies , the worse they have suffered .
10 The field is led by Miró with a rise of 1090% one of the few artists to have held on to the gains of the 1988–90 period .
11 Whereas in the past teachers held on to the professionalism of hearing children read as their specialist preserve , they have now realised that perhaps their professionalism lies elsewhere .
12 One man held on to the lawyer 's sleeve .
13 The merchants had the cash , but the weakening aristocracy held on to the reins of government .
14 If they were held on to the animal or plant would die .
15 At my first event in Fort Worth , I had held on to the few people I knew as though for dear life , terrified at the thought of being stranded in this great wilderness .
16 Here 's an imag-inary line-up Leeds might be fielding now if they 'd held on to the stars they rejected .
17 ‘ The Renegades ’ from Dundalk certainly held on to the very end .
18 Tanzania 's President Ali Hassan Mwinyi was elected on Aug. 16 as chair of the ruling Chama cha Mapinduzi ( CCM ) party , with 1,846 out of 1,851 votes cast , in succession to the " elder statesman " leader Julius Nyerere , who had held on to the party chairmanship for five years since stepping down as state President in 1985 .
19 The juggernaut bucked and the poet held on to the side to prevent himself being thrown around .
20 The police explained why they 'd held on to the vehicles which were being kept near Malvern , not at Worcester .
21 Most types of glider should be showing a very small amount of rudder being held on into the turn .
22 In the wild , the Green Chromides creche their young , a shoal being held together under the protection of the whole adult group , led by one dominant pair .
23 His on-stage father would unsnap the child 's clothes , which were held together at the back by a clasp , pack them with toothbrush , pyjamas , and reading matter , and throw the patient luggage at an assistant stage manager dressed as a railway porter .
24 In this instance , the jaws should be held together with the nose pointing upwards .
25 ( He continued to insist , nonetheless , that that one-sidedness had been necessary , and that the negative points he had made must not be withdrawn , nor even weakened , but merely held together with the positive .
26 These dithiadiazoles are held together in dimeric pairs through S — S interactions , as in , though they are not held together in the trans -type configuration , but in a variety of other orientations .
27 It was here that the performance abandoned all semblance of script , but was nonetheless skilfully held together by the actors , who guided without being intrusive and did not for a moment step out of their roles .
28 I was working then in Palestine , a territory torn apart by Arab and Jew , held together by the British Mandate .
29 Each activity has a main subject focus , though ( i ) it is held together by the history theme of the project , and ( ii ) it will not be exclusively mono-subject based .
30 In the old days , with casein , it used to be said of some of the aircraft in the tropics that they were held together by the assembly brads .
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