Example sentences of "since the time of " in BNC.

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1 Since the time of Freud , it has been acceptable to many theorists that the way in which we behave may be powerfully influenced by mental processes to which we have no conscious access .
2 Five years after the fire , his work now nearing its end , he is at the centre of a specialist team of restorers replacing the recarving swags and pendants which had adorned the King 's Bedchamber and adjoining rooms since the time of Charles II and which now lie boxed or in pieces on shelves and benches at the South East corner of the palace .
3 What Marx was trying to do in constructing the Asiatic system was to reconcile , on the one hand the reports of the strength of the village communities which characterized many of the accounts of Asian villages and which was manifested in their apparent ability to act organically , for example in the close co-operation and mutual reasonableness required in irrigated agriculture , and , on the other hand , a traditional view of the despotism of oriental rulers , a view which dominated European pictures of the Orient , at least since the time of Montesquieu .
4 Naturally the next field in which to try out this half-truth was politics , where people have been trying since the time of Demosthenes to fool all of the people all of the time .
5 During our work with this widow , whose husband had died very unexpectedly , it turned out that since the time of his death until the time she contacted us , she had kept herself in a state of perpetual motion between her house and that of her son who lived some fifty miles away .
6 Extensive districts had secured their freedom from the Forest law since the time of Edward III .
7 Writing in the influential Police Review magazine , Mr Roach , head of policing for north-west London and a member of the Association of Chief Police Officers , said that , since the time of Sir Robert Peel , the police had always had to reassure the public that their powers and privileges would not be misused .
8 Easter alternative AS AN alternative to chocolate eggs , try a simnel cake , said to be an Easter favourite since the time of Edward the Confessor .
9 The last mill these waters powered was Awre Corn Mill , an old site in use at least since the time of the Domesday Survey , having reputedly belonged to Edward the Confessor .
10 On the question of Poland , Lenin accepted much of Rosa Luxemburg 's case that circumstances had qualitatively changed since the time of Marx — ‘ the restoration of Poland , prior to the fall of capitalism , is highly improbable , but it can not be asserted that it is absolutely impossible ’ .
11 For every Palestinian who expressed doubts about the worth of returning , there were hundreds who would go back to what is now Israel if they had the opportunity to do so , people like David Damiani , a Christian whose family had been in Palestine since the time of the Crusades .
12 In the south level 37,000 acres went under water , and the chief engineer of the Great Ouse catchment board considered it the worst fen flood since the time of Vermuyden .
13 No academic libraries since the time of the Travelling Workshops Experiment have successfully applied the strategy and it is most unlikely that illuminative evaluation ‘ in toto ’ will ever get the opportunity to prove itself in academic user education , largely because of the lack of time to pursue it in full .
14 Mass strandings have been known since the time of the ancient Greeks ; Aristotle himself recorded them .
15 To derive this inequality , Bell made two assumptions : ( a ) the effects of a measurement at A do not affect the measurement at B and vice versa , and ( b ) all the variables describing the two particles are independent of the settings of the apparatus at A and B. Both seem very reasonable requirements , which indeed have played a central role in the development of physics since the time of Isaac Newton .
16 Amoebic dysentery — since the time of Louis XIV it has been treated with ipecac , a South American plant
17 Since the time of the TCCB 's creation by MCC , under whose control of the first-class game the power and influence of the counties was restrained by their advisory status , stopping short of full enfranchisement , the power of the counties has become paramount , to the point at which the tail has appeared to wag the dog .
18 The Catholic Church 's position , which is based on its experience of the constant tradition of faith since the time of the apostles , is that ‘ the Church , in fidelity to the example of the Lord , does not consider herself authorised to admit women to priestly ordination ’ ( Introduction , declaration on the question of the admission of women to the ministerial priesthood , CDF 15 October 1976 ) .
19 You watch the bronze figure of the man working the shadoof , which he has done since the time of the Pharaohs .
20 The inter-village life that resembles an old-world tableau , and the bronzed figure lab-ouring as he had done ‘ since the time of the Pharaohs ’ , present an image of timelessness and changelessness .
21 He explained that he had fought tooth and nail to be allowed to see the men in custody since the time of the arrests .
22 But it is interesting that , since the time of the first 1969 survey , the proportion of people rating HP as expensive has grown .
23 partly the causes were external — loss of friends , hosts of visitors — but partly temperamental : Tolkien could not ‘ discipline himself into adopting regular working methods ’ ( a fault of which he had been aware since the time of ‘ Leaf by Niggle ’ ) .
24 The Puritans repudiated the whole history of the Church since the time of the Apostles .
25 At his trial the magistrates urged that the Book of Common Prayer had been used ever since the time of the Apostles .
26 ‘ If you did that , then it is just about the greatest miracle a person has ever performed since the time of Jesus . ’
27 These lectures have never been published and have received little critical attention since the time of their delivery ( when they met with a mixed reception mainly due to Turner 's chaotic approach to delivering a lecture ) .
28 A conglomerate of disparate races and ridden with bureaucracy , Austria-Hungary , since the time of Napoleon , had , in the main , a history of military ineptitude .
29 Painstakingly , with meticulous attention to detail , Tethlis rebuilt the Elf forces to a strength not seen since the time of Aenarion .
30 ‘ Tomorrow we will face the Orcish scum and will triumph , as men have done since the time of Sigmar ! ’
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