Example sentences of "since [art] [adj] world " in BNC.

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1 The basic logic of her programme since 1979 had been to reverse the main lines of her country 's history as it had developed since the Second World War .
2 Clearly it has not been a typical day , even for 5 Airborne Brigade ; yet such operations have taken place seventy-three times since the Second World War .
3 Troops have been used more than 30 times since the second world war to replace striking workers .
4 Troops have been used more than 30 times since the second world war to replace striking workers .
5 Evolution rather than revolution is also imposed by the British system of government , which has given the country twenty-one Ministers of Defence since the Second World War .
6 These conclusions are reinforced by Curve B , which represents the frequency and length of conflicts that have occurred since the Second World War .
7 The old-style conglomerates based around a bank which emerged from the pre-war zaibatsu differ markedly from newer groups that have sprung up since the second world war .
8 This time round , other things being equal , that indicator suggests the second-shortest recession since the second world war : that is , between six and eight months .
9 Even if output continues to decline at a similar pace in this quarter before it picks up in the next ( as most forecasters expect ) , the total peak-to-trough decline will look much shallower than the 2.7% average drop in GNP during the eight recessions since the second world war .
10 Real incomes for farmers have not been lower since the second world war , according to the Ministry of Agriculture .
11 During the rest of the 1990s the number of youngsters entering the workforce each year will be smaller than at any time since the second world war ; but two-fifths will be from minorities , mostly Hispanics and blacks .
12 The stockpile of raw and processed food , and emergency field cooking equipment has existed since the Second World War .
13 ITALY 'S ruling Christian Democrats appear to have suffered their most severe setback in any general election since the Second World War , according to first results and projections last night .
14 ‘ The NHS stands on a par with any achievements of any government of any nation since the Second World War .
15 Although Mr Kinnock has modernised Labour and ditched many of its vote-losing socialist policies , he has failed to convince the country to put its trust in him despite the country suffering the longest recession since the Second World War .
16 Mr Wriglesworth added : ‘ I have no doubt that this election will come to be seen as the key to the recovery from the worst recession in the housing market since the Second World War .
17 I think Eardley was — with the Cornishman Peter Lanyon , who also died cruelly young — the most important British landscape painter to appear since the Second World War .
18 The other team in question — the main one , anyway -is that of the French , whose new philosophies and related experiments in fiction have often helped sustain the initiatives of modernism since the Second World War .
19 The root of our belief is that people do care about the places where they live , work and shop , that they are concerned about the devastation meted out to historic towns since the Second World War .
20 Viral hepatitis has been recognized since the Second World War as being divisible into two distinct types .
21 It is a very rare disease today and the incidence has decreased markedly since the Second World War .
22 By 1979 energy consumption was almost back to the 1973 level but this trend was abruptly curtailed by the second oil shock which contributed to the worst recession in the UK since the Second World War .
23 But there have been significant changes in the nature of stealing since the Second World War .
24 While extensive tracts of virgin forest remain from which sawnwood and plywood are derived , there has been a growing trend since the Second World War towards fibre-based products from plantations and second- and third-growth forests .
25 It is one of the world 's fastest-growing industries which has burgeoned since the Second World War , and especially since the 1960s .
26 Recreation , tourism and sport are products of the industrial era , and especially the result of increasing leisure time since the Second World War .
27 The expression has been extinct since the second world war .
28 Many of these features of the modern world were only the surface manifestations of the much greater structural changes begun in early industrialism and accelerated since the Second World War .
29 The refugee crisis arising from the conflict in the former Yugoslavia is the largest in Europe since the Second World War .
30 While there is a good deal of division of opinion both about these attempts to characterise the present situation and about what further conclusions theology should draw from it , there lies here a nexus of issues to which theologians have had to turn their attention , especially since the Second World War .
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