Example sentences of "trying [to-vb] me into " in BNC.

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1 What are you trying to bully me into saying , Luke ? ’
2 ‘ I do n't know which is worse , that you do n't give a damn about respecting your commitment to her , or that you did n't think it would matter to me that you were — were trying to lure me into bed while all the time , you knew that you and she — ’
3 I refused to have a mastectomy and I see now in terms of theory , that I was stagemanaged at various points on the production line , into trying to turn me into a well-behaved patient by traumatising me by saying ‘ If you do n't do what we tell you … ’ or ‘ You 're being very naughty ’ or ‘ You 're being hysterical ’ , or ‘ We have n't got time to deal with all these questions , we 'd never get round ’ , and so on .
4 When I tried to lead her indoors she became indignant , shaking me off , ‘ Do you call yourself my niece , trying to get me into a burning house ! ’ and it took me some time to persuade her that all was well .
5 Of course G.P. was always trying to get me into bed .
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