Example sentences of "trying [to-vb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In developing a critique of scientism ( which Habermas regards Knowledge and Human Interests to be ) he is not rejecting the epistemological validity of the nomological sciences or the hermeneutic sciences but is trying to orient them in relation to the critical sciences .
2 Trying to uproot itself into each escaping screech ,
3 totally catastrophic if you start trying to treat one as the other and this is
4 It has since emerged he sent the letters from a York Post Office on that day before trying to gas himself in his car and take an overdose over the weekend .
5 The golden glow faded as Daak stumbled through it , almost falling over Ace but staggering on , suddenly aware of the circling dart , trying to swat it with his fists as it closed in …
6 In fact I even found myself trying to diagnose it like an illness , analysing it in terms of location , sensation , modalities , concomitants . ’
7 Wind whipped at Duvall 's hair and the lapels of his greatcoat as he squinted out into the rain-slashed darkness , trying to see what in hell had happened .
8 She arrives , convincingly , at a much more positive — for the women in question — interpretation ; but also one which allows the writings and lives of these women to have a depth and dimension for us which was simply not available in many cases while we insisted on trying to see them as sexual victims of appalling restrictions of personal freedom : to see them as though they were us .
9 Look at them closely before closing your eyes and trying to see them in your mind .
10 ‘ André 's looking forward to seeing you next week , ’ Simone interrupted her thoughts , trying to include her in the conversation .
11 It has several aspects , including : ( a ) the range of options offered to the teacher is crucial in fitting the program to his style and enabling him to contribute effectively , but too many will be confusing ( b ) the designer may see a whole range of possible extensions to the teaching possibilities of the program : the lengthy development process of all good teaching units makes such extensions attractive but trying to include them in one program will tend to make it difficult to ‘ see through ’ and to use ( c ) the desire for compatibility with different hardware configurations often inspires programming constraints that can be severe ; conversely , programs that fully exploit the facilities of a particular microcomputer are likely to be difficult to transfer .
12 ‘ You 're trying to kill me with cholesterol and all that E rubbish , ’ he said and stormed out .
13 He denies trying to kill her by piping car exhaust fumes into her bedroom .
14 The world number two said : ‘ I 've had a very busy early season , playing in China , Dubai and Belgium , so I 'm just trying to refresh myself before this tournament .
15 Immediately , Belinda was beside him , reaching up tenderly with one hand while trying to support him with the other .
16 He lay there for several hours , sleeping fitfully , having occasional nightmares , trying to galvanise himself into getting up , and failing because of the absolute exhaustion that appeared to have gripped his limbs .
17 supplementing the teacher 's expertise with that of the group ( instead of the group and consultant trying to supplant it by showing they can handle things better )
18 The grumbles of J. Alfred Prufrock in early Eliot are endurable if they are meant to be ridiculous , but only then ; and sitting around on Margate sands , or anywhere else , trying to connect nothing with nothing may be all right for Harvard men abroad , but ( as Eliot must already have discovered when he wrote The Waste Land ) it has nothing to do with the daily life of the Londoner .
19 She was suffering dreadfully from morning sickness , she was haunted by Camilla Parker-Bowles and she was desperately trying to accommodate herself to her new position and new family .
20 A great storm blew up as he approached the island , as if the elements themselves were trying to drive him from his chosen path .
21 It 's , it 's one thing legislating , it 's a completely different ball game when you are , erm , trying to enfor enforce it , and especially when you 're trying to enforce it with ingredients imported from abroad .
22 Erm I 'm trying to find somebody about getting this put right .
23 He was still trying to find them among the milling blackened faces , when a sudden shout drew everyone 's attention to a flicker of torch light weaving through the trees towards the highway .
24 But faced with the dilemma of what would be best for her four young children in the meantime Nikki , from Mountmichael Park , had considered trying to find someone to temporarily look after them .
25 ‘ You could n't possibly have realised how big a task you 'd set yourself , trying to find someone in the whole of London . ’
26 ‘ Still trying to find someone from Spidex ? ’
27 Fucking useless nowadays trying to find anything in these books .
28 I 've been trying to find you for ages . ’
29 We stayed for one night , there , in quite a luxurious hotel , so there was n't anything extraordinary to grumble about : the worst bit was trying to deal with our luggage — trying to retrieve it from piled-up trollies on the airfield in the heat of the day , etc .
30 What she is saying is that there are hundreds of millions of people out there who can let life go by without trying to relate themselves to the big issues .
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