Example sentences of "trying [verb] [pers pn] by " in BNC.

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1 He denies trying to kill her by piping car exhaust fumes into her bedroom .
2 supplementing the teacher 's expertise with that of the group ( instead of the group and consultant trying to supplant it by showing they can handle things better )
3 We 're saying , we 're trying to help you by raising this money , erm it 's not sort of lecturing them or anything , we 're trying to focus on communities and empower them by giving them money for projects they want to happen , it 's not anything we 've decided .
4 Trying to divide it by four .
5 Or it might consider itself a success if it can stop providers passing on increases in input prices in full without trying to reduce them by greater efficiency .
6 I just did n't want her trying to run it by herself any more .
7 An investigation by the Japanese Fisheries Agency concluded in an announcement by the Foreign Ministry that the dolphins had committed a " mass suicide " from which local fisherman had been trying to save them by driving them back into the sea .
8 Or am I trying to take her by surprise ?
9 If the hostages were reasonably safe and reasonably well cared for , why jeopardize our policy and priorities in the Middle East by trying to rescue them by force ?
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