Example sentences of "left for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There was little scope left for the condottiere , no possibility of the rise of a new crop of Wallensteins or Mansfelds , the warlords and military entrepreneurs who had played so great a part in the struggles of the 1620s and 1630s .
2 We make 200,000 cars a year and export 70,000 of them so there 's not much left for the home market and people have to apply one year in advance to buy one .
3 Some dissenting ministers left for the country , some had to leave their families , some went into hiding , but others were emboldened to preach more openly , until they were arrested and put into prison .
4 Clearly , much room is left for the discretion of the doctor , and this is as it should be , since the assessment of the patient 's prognosis is one of his distinct skills .
5 Early one morning they tied their stripy woven bags of Tibetan salt on to the yaks and left for the south .
6 The law was simple to state and was in accordance with Brutus v Cozens [ 1973 ] AC 854 , where the House of Lords held that ordinary English words such as " insulting " should be left for the jury .
7 Whether the victim did rely on the representation must be left for the jury : Attewell-Hughes ( 1991 ) 93 Cr App R 132 ( CA ) .
8 On 11 September 1889 it was reported at a Sunday School teachers ' meeting that in the will of the late Mr James Johnston a substantial legacy had been left for the building of a Sunday School Chapel in Edenderry .
9 He came home to sleep and as soon as he woke after she 'd left for the Clinic , he went out .
10 Inside is comfortable seating and adequate space has been left for the positioning of wheelchairs .
11 We said goodbye and thanks to our friends who had made the day so happy for us , changed into travelling clothes , and left for the station .
12 And it raises questions about what , once the division of labour between head and coordinator is determined , there is left for the deputy head to do …
13 Early in 1826 Hoyle wrote again to the Goldsmiths about the School , " setting forth the scantiness of its yearly funds and alluding to various repairs and expenses which have been occasionally borne at his charges , amounting to about £130 , and … the Wardens are satisfied that a very considerable increase has taken place in the Rents of the estates left for the Endowment of the School , affording means to the Company for extending the benefits of the institution " .
14 This is the space left for the pharmacy 's stamp , so that the pricing authority knows who to pay and who to address any queries to .
15 And there are still some tickets left for the charity showing of Hook at the Canon Street in Magdalen Street , Oxford , tomorrow night at eight o'clock .
16 As there was now no room left for the driver 's game , he suddenly accelerated past the man and we were again moving down the street at forty miles an hour .
17 The house was empty and quiet , all the guests having left for the day .
18 So I called back again and the number was engaged , so I called back again and got through and he 'd left for the day
19 A small opening , sometimes as small as the head of a matchstick , is left for the passage of urine and menstrual blood .
20 If subjectivity is less fixed , then space is left for the construction of identities , and collective identities , which deviate from the norm ( Lury 1987 ) .
21 This will be insufficient to meet the cost of the Bishopsgate bomb , and although the industry itself will meet ten per cent of the excess reinsurance costs , the balance left for the government could be as much as £200m .
22 But the w clearly , in , in budget terms , we have n't got any left for the rest of this year now clearly then we that means we 're gon na overspend .
23 Dr Mackintosh had left for the weekend , but Dr Lange , the literary one , would be free to see him in the morning .
24 Everyone has left for the weekend .
25 When the decisions of all market participants dovetail completely , so that each plan correctly assumes the corresponding plans of the other participants and no possibility exists for any altered plans that would be simultaneously preferred by the relevant participants , there is nothing left for the entrepreneur to do .
26 Before he had left for the airport , he had attended to a few last minute details in his study at Buckingham Palace .
27 Ski resorts have expanded so much in some countries that there is hardly any habitat left for the wildlife .
28 When it can , no room is left for the non-realization of the infinitive event , and so the concurrent representation evoked by the bare infinitive is appropriate .
29 Next morning , Dot was surprised when Gloria got up early and left for the Housing Applicant Office the same time as she went to school .
30 In 1613 , therefore , he gave up his Fellowship and left for the Continent in the suite of the Princess Elizabeth , who had just married the Elector Frederick of the Rhine .
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