Example sentences of "turned [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Before that , Swan was at Madge Networks Ltd , where he turned the ailing business round in spectacular fashion .
2 He turned the slight bend in the road .
3 He drew back the groaning bolts and turned the rusty iron ring , and the door opened inwards with a protesting creak .
4 After the Western allies turned the western part of Germany into a sovereign state , the Soviets followed suit and the German Democratic Republic was founded on 7 October 1949 .
5 It was the most important of these groupings as it was directly responsible for bringing NIGRA to Derry for the 5 October 1968 march and thus was the catalyst which turned the civil rights movement into a mass campaign .
6 Only they could provide the extra products and services — software , peripheral hardware , maintenance , consultancy — which turned the dumb lump of beige metal into something useful .
7 Public cynicism about obscenity control was confirmed when twelve members of Scotland Yard 's " dirty squad " were jailed after conviction for involvement in what their judge described as " an evil conspiracy which turned the Obscene Publications Act into a vast protection racket " .
8 The result was chaos : their first skiing holiday ruined by the press , who turned the icy mountain roads of Liechtenstein , where they were staying , into a re-run of the Monte Carlo rally .
9 In Samuel Johnson and David Thomson , Nairn created a happy conjunction of two men who turned the factual stuff of their lives into beauty : not by great timeless plot , nor by intricate , archetypal and immortally-spoken characterisation , as Shakespeare did , but by felicity of spirit and language .
10 Then a group of local armourers assembled in the square , were blessed at a makeshift altar and turned the first shovelful of earth on the foundations of the new building .
11 One turned the other way on top
12 He came nearer , and the light of the June evening turned the tanned planes of his hawk-face and the ridge of the bold , importunate nose to copper , and picked out the russet reds in the short , dark beard , scoring deeper the deeply graved lines of audacity and laughter .
13 The other sentry 's trouser-leg darkened as he shakily but hurriedly turned the locking wheel set into the wall .
14 In one fell swoop he settled rumblings of discontent and turned the Labour conference , which starts today , from being an inward-looking examination of defeat into a confident bid to show the world — Brian Gould notwithstanding — an alternative to the ‘ devalued Prime Minister of a devalued government ’ .
15 Such overt aggression turned the Labour Party away from pacifism and towards the acceptance of a degree of force to implement collective security .
16 Sendei turned the final corner and emerged into a small circular space .
17 Funny thing , she thought as she turned the grubby pages , that people only seem to stop complaining when things get really bad .
18 It was he who ended the war with Athens , or perhaps turned the hot war into a cold one ( because satraps continued to subvert Athenian-supported democracies in Anatolia ) : after the Persian recovery of Egypt in the 450s Athenian aggression against Persia was checked , except for a brief campaign in Cyprus at the end of the 450s .
19 Rain had lashed the bare rocks , turned the narrow gully beneath the horses ' hooves to mud , stripped the spare trees of their flimsy leaves .
20 Says Tricia with a sigh , ‘ Forty marked the moment when I finally turned the magnifying side of my make-up mirror to the wall . ’
21 ‘ Forty marked the moment when I turned the magnifying side of my make-up mirror to the wall ’
22 Strega turned the second lap at 475mph , six miles per hour faster than the first lap and six miles per hours slower than Rare Bear 's 1991 winning speed .
23 The thaw which had so earnestly menaced France 's lifeline to Verdun became , on balance , more her ally than her foe ; it turned the pulverised earth into a glutinous quagmire that sucked off the close-fitting knee-boots of the German infantry ; the 8-ton howitzers sank up to their axles in it , and the Germans ' new motor tractors were too few and too under-powered to extract them .
24 He turned the two sheets as if hoping to find them double-sided .
25 He leaned the Mannlicher inside against the back boards and turned the small key in the door .
26 When I turned the knurled knob , the minutehand
27 Not trees alone have owned their force , Whole woods beneath them bowed , They turned the winding rivulet 's course , And all thy pastures plough 'd .
28 Since the political division of Spain corresponded closely to that of contemporary Europe , each of the Spanish camps looked to its European counterparts for assistance , which turned the Spanish war into an international , as well as a national , conflict .
29 Through the late 1980s another force was at work which turned the Provincial sector 's fortunes further round .
30 The brilliance of its colours turned the remembered garden outside into monochrome .
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