Example sentences of "turned [adv prt] into the " in BNC.

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1 Then we turned off into the heart of the plain at Ponte Taro , a small hamlet , for the final stage of our journey .
2 They turned off into the woods where th'fence ends .
3 Cameron turned back into the house for his cloak and tried to order his thoughts as the last fogginess of sleep evaporated in his head .
4 She turned back into the bed as a sound came from old Donald 's mouth .
5 He waved weakly after the car but he did not speak as Rose shut the door and they turned back into the house .
6 He turned back into the town , away from the buses to George 's road , towards the public house .
7 He turned back into the room and started rummaging among books and papers .
8 They turned back into the swirling smoke , and up the ladder to the superstructure , regaining the door to the wireless hut .
9 When he turned back into the kitchen , Zervos was scowling at him .
10 The two aides turned back into the offices , and Edouard and Jean-Paul walked slowly down the wide steps to the street .
11 They turned back into the sitting room and closed the door .
12 He placed the receiver down , stared at it thoughtfully for a moment , then turned back into the room , intending to join the Hatches in the garden .
13 Spencer smiled and turned back into the room .
14 He looked at her bleakly and turned back into the kitchen .
15 She carried a long pole which was draped with hanks of haigus wool , and she dropped it across the rails of the staging , then turned back into the gloom of the shop again .
16 Myra watched them go , a happy smile on her face , before she turned back into the dressing-room to swathe the wedding gown in its covers .
17 Uttering a strangled sob , she turned back into the thicket .
18 He was more in command of his emotions now , and he turned back into the room .
19 When he turned back into the room Isabel saw he had her gown in his hand .
20 The Chargé waved a hand and turned back into the group .
21 Later , after watching him drive away , Sophie turned back into the house .
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