Example sentences of "eight [adv] in the " in BNC.

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1 About eight o'clock in the evening he was summoned to her bedside .
2 ‘ You were standing outside the University gates at about eight o'clock in the morning , last Wednesday . ’
3 In a sense I was pretty ill , because I would go out at eight o'clock in the evening , having recovered from the appalling hangover caused by my previous night 's activities in Cairo , and re-establish my illness by that night 's activities . ’
4 ‘ At eight o'clock in the morning , a vast concourse of ladies and gentlemen appeared on the side of Derwent Lake , where a number of marquees , extending about four hundred yards , were erected . ’
5 At eight o'clock in the evening of 17 August 1759 the single frigate which Boscawen had left to watch the Straits arrived in Gibraltar harbour with the alarming news that the enemy was about to escape them after all .
6 If you do not buy one of these make sure that you always leave some lights switched on inside the house — even if you are going out at eight o'clock in the morning and will not be back until midnight .
7 ‘ It is eight o'clock in the evening .
8 Eight o'clock in the morning , and if she went to work then he hoped still to be in time to catch her before she locked the front door and shut out the intrusion of a man from the Service .
9 Eight o'clock in the morning .
10 eight o'clock in the morning .
11 I actually remember one occasion when we did our three pieces before eight o'clock in the morning .
12 But then the same problem applies because you 'll have had the night staff working all day Friday night , come off duty about seven , eight o'clock in the morning .
13 Why are you here at eight o'clock in the morning ? ’
14 Eight o'clock in the morning till eight nine o'clock at night .
15 In the Blaxhall and Tunstall district earlier in the last century , the sexton used to ring the church bell at eight o'clock in the morning as a signal that the gleaning could start in the parish .
16 Well when I was down at the er council that May , I told them there and then that er I 'm prepared to er let one of the council men come to our house , about eight o'clock in the morning , and then stop till ten and then come back again about two and wait till they come home from school which they would n't have come home from school , but they go across the road and come back again , double back as if they 'd been to school
17 Well erm eight o'clock in the morning till quarter to six I think it was then in the evening .
18 Besides , assume that the plans for oyster farming are all above board — do you go , or send your secretary , at eight o'clock in the evening to an unoccupied flat to make a telephone call about it ?
19 George Felse telephoned his wife from the Sallows farm somewhat after eight o'clock in the morning .
20 Dancing in a night club scene at eight o'clock in the morning — TV commercials too , sometimes . ’
21 About eight o'clock in the morning I would get up put on jodhpurs , shirt , tie and jeans and a jumper to protect my riding clothes .
22 I said , no , and she said oh I have lots of times , I only live at Manchester , you see , and of course , you had to go by boat you see , and I caught the boat train from Ipswich at eight o'clock in the morning and I got to Manchester at lunchtime about one and then went on to Liverpool and the train there took us almost down to the docks .
23 And I came home about I do n't ken , maybe eight o'clock in the morning or something a beautiful morning .
24 He returned home about eight o'clock in the evening , feeling absolutely exhausted , and as he said , all he wanted to do was go to sleep .
25 ‘ He would say if you want to get me , you would have to get me at eight o'clock in the morning . ’
26 I think about eight o'clock in the evening at home .
27 because you do n't want guys out there from eight o'clock in the morning
28 I used to go off about eight o'clock in the morning .
29 She used to go out er about eight o'clock in the morning , Tuesday mornings , not Wednesday , cos we had a boy then , we used to call him Frank .
30 And we worked from eight o'clock in the morning till eight at night .
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