Example sentences of "come and [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Can I come and complain to you about please ?
2 He said they must meet later , she must come and eat with him in his room and he would get a bottle of wine .
3 But I tell you that many from eastern parts and western parts would come and recline at the table with Abraham , Isaac and Jacob and the kingdom of the heavens , whereas the sons of the kingdom will be thrown into darkness outside , that , there is where the weaken and the nation of the two
4 ‘ Because Bertha is so good , ’ he said , ‘ she may come and walk in my palace gardens every Friday afternoon . ’
5 Undefended flowers can not be farmed in this manner , because another bird could come and drink from the flower during the interval before it has restored its nectar to the higher level .
6 I could n't eat , because of the cuts , could n't drink — they were feeding us milk through straws — and my face was beginning to get septicaemia as we lay in this hut with just this little oil- lamp , and the mosquitoes at night would come and sit on the wounds , and I could n't stop thinking about what was going to happen next in my life , and we had no newspapers and I did n't know what was happening and I could n't cry because it pulled the stitches .
7 You can come and sit on my knee if you like and I 'll show you a comic . "
8 Well , will you come and sit on your potty then ?
9 Well in that , actually I 'll come and sit on it and then I can fondle Jon 's knees while I 'm there .
10 But will you come and sit for another portrait soon ? ’
11 ‘ Can I come and sit at the table with you when the eggs and bacon are ready ? ’
12 Sometimes Dana would come and sit with me on the hard little chairs .
13 ‘ Then there 's no reason why you should n't come and sit with me for a few minutes .
14 I think I 'll come and sit beside you as there 's a spare seat .
15 Then you can come and sit near me and find out whether they will be of any use .
16 It is an awful mess but will you not come and sit by my fire– ’
17 Almost all staff , given the opportunity , will behave responsibly if allowed to determine when they should come and go off duty .
18 This back-dating of the appointment was not of significance at the time but it is an early example of how masters in Stockport could come and go without the immediate supervision of the Company .
19 The night would come and go without him .
20 The emphasis in the structure of the household is on independent living so the expectation is you 'll come and go as you please . ’
21 Yes , you can control costs more carefully , but self-catering also means you can come and go as you please .
22 She attacked at once : ‘ I suppose she 's told you that this is no longer my home so you think you can come and go as you please .
23 And these the eagles left unharmed , not seeking them as prey but letting them come and go at will ’
24 The great doors had been wrenched off their hinges , and anyone could come and go at all hours .
25 The main features of tabes are an inability to balance when the eyes are shut , numbness , and ‘ tingling ’ sensations , ‘ lightning pains ’ , which are sharp , shooting pains , usually in the lower limbs , which may come and go in a short time or last for several days without remission .
26 They stared back and saw the colour come and go in her face .
27 You could come and go in the world .
28 Species may therefore come and go from guilds without causing havoc there .
29 I 'd love to see a service where somebody could come and knock on your door in the morning and say are you alright and call again in the evening , just as if you were in warden assisted accommodation .
30 Y y you need n't lock your door up in those days you could leave your door open , and they 'd come and knock on your door and anybody in and I , I do n't think we ever had a key to our front door , but er no they were very friendly and there used to be an old midwife , Mrs her name was the , she used to charge half a crown for a birth .
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