Example sentences of "need for [art] government " in BNC.

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1 Age Concern believes that there is an urgent need for the Government to clarify the role of the health service in providing community care .
2 ‘ To a great extent this removes the need for the government to resign , ’ said Mr Gennady Burbulis , State Secretary and Mr Yeltsin 's closest aide .
3 When the Home Secretary talked of the need for the Government to give a lead in tackling racial disadvantage he therefore saw this as in issue for the longer term .
4 There is a clear need for the Government to make a statement of its commitment to the cause of building the UK 's industrial performance to match its competitors ' .
5 Delays have been caused by the need for the Government to determine the future of coal mining in Britain , following its decision last year to close 30 pits .
6 Where a population recognizes a moral duty to obey , there is no need for the government to reason with it , persuade it , bribe it or threaten it , though all these exercises of power may be necessary for the marginal recalcitrants .
7 As we said goodbye , her companion , Michel Cantal du Val , the president of Les Amis de Jean-Paul Kauffman , gave us some startling advice about how to convince the British public of the need for the Government to talk to the kidnappers .
8 Although many hospitals , schools and institutions are making a big effort , there is still a need for the Government to provide guidance for the less enthusiastic or efficient .
9 Nelson Mandela 's lawyers on Jan. 25 made available to the press copies of a document , originally written by him in prison and given to the then President P. W. Botha in July 1989 , which expressed his own view of the urgent need for the government to negotiate with the ANC .
10 De Klerk 's action in freeing Mandela at this time , after years of international pressure for his release ( particularly around the time of his 70th birthday in 1988 ) was seen as an acknowledgement of the urgent need for the government to open negotiations with legitimate black leaders , in response to the ANC 's Harare Declaration of August 1989 when it set out its own proposals for political change in South Africa [ see p. 36837 ; see p. 37176 for recent communications between Mandela and de Klerk on this issue ] .
11 From the mid-1970s onwards greater reliance was placed on control of broad money and sales of gilts replaced the need for the government to finance its borrowing requirement through the issue of Treasury bills .
12 Radiance Strathdee , the author of research carried out for Centrepoint , said this was not enough : ‘ There is a need for the government to get round the table with local authorities , not to lay down guidance , but to look at strategies to set about moving the impasse which exists ’ .
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