Example sentences of "home [prep] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Wives also chose afternoons : the bulk of the outside work and the housework being finished they could attend knowing they would arrive home in time for the children returning from school .
2 By the time I got to the last rocker I had been out of the garage , round the block three times , back up the drive and home in time for teal Is there any way I can turn the engine over without moving the vehicle ?
3 The management became worried that if the calls for encores were to continue the opera , with its three ballets , lasting six hours , would be so long that the nobility would not be home in time for supper .
4 The whole walk took in excess of nine hours , so not one to consider if you want to make it home in time for Blind Date .
5 ‘ We shall just about be home in time for lunch , ’ said Angela .
6 At breakfast she occasionally annoyed us by reeling off lists of groceries we were all to pick up during the day and bring home in time for dinner .
7 But he was always sure to be back home in time for dinner every night .
8 Then back to the majlis for coffee again , and home in time for noon prayers .
9 She got the 7.15 bus , feeling an anxious as a mother who is n't home in time for when her little boy comes back from school .
10 A delighted Jatinder said : ‘ Gurinder will be home in time for my dad 's birthday and well in time for the birth of our baby . ’
11 The kid was back home in time for lunch . ’
12 The judge knew this man of old : he was the pit-bull of the legal profession , attacking any weak spots with devastating precision , and seeing him ended the Judge 's faint glimmer of hope that he might just get home in time for the football .
13 You did very well to have gone birthday and get home in time for , whatever time it was you did
14 I think , yeah , well he rang me , so erm , I think she was expecting , I think they , when they left the house this morning , he was thinking , he 'd be able to get home in time for it , and erm , then he got to work and the day was n't , had n't worked out the way he expected .
15 Unlike other single women , Elaine can not stay out late at night : she has to be home in time to be put to bed by a nurse .
16 Mrs Goodhaven went to a committee meeting , then home in time to be there when you telephoned .
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