Example sentences of "gone out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Poor little thing , must have gone out through the cat door .
2 He had gone out through the kitchen door .
3 Well she 'd gone out through the door and the wind took her down the bloody street !
4 Having gone out onto the lake as calm as the surface itself , he had caught , as it might be , some of the immovable unsettling darkness and chill which lay for ever imprisoned deep below , like his own too-recent self .
5 I assaulted this position from every angle , ranging from thoughtful analyses of the male mid-life crisis , its nature and origins , to sweeping ad absurdum dismissals in which I demonstrated that by the same token Trish and Brian were equally culpable , because if they 'd gone out for the day I would have stayed at home and we would never have met in the first place .
6 We 're chasing up two other people who were at that party , and who both seem to have gone out for the day .
7 The grown ups having gone out for the evening we then kept awake alternately for half-hour shifts by one of the boy 's watches until at long last we were rewarded by the sound of creaking and thumps from the stairs , accompanied by slurry avuncular curses and " shushes " from the aunts .
8 It had not been lived in recently it had none of that slight warmth of humanity you find in a dwelling whose inhabitant has gone out for the day .
9 I phoned Kevin , I 've got Kevin 's mum and dad 's phone number off Dave and phoned at home but he 's gone out for the day or something they said .
10 So they all must have gone out for the dinner .
11 She and Nevil were looking after Margaret and Rose as John and Laura had gone out to the theatre for the evening .
12 She had gone out to the Windmill for ale while he contented himself in the kitchen .
13 In 1884 he had gone out to the Sudan with the rank of captain , and had been wounded at the battle of Abu Kru the following January .
14 She had gone out to the drug store to get a bottle of milk for Maria 's bedtime cocoa , and when she got back to the suite , Bernie was in her section taking off Maria 's dress .
15 He had gone out to the pub a couple of times with some old friends and was thinking of taking out a young woman he had met .
16 Their rabbis , realising that most Jews rarely see the inside of a synagogue , have gone out to the people .
17 That night , she 'd said , ‘ If you 'd come out the Quindale way you 'd never 've got through ; it 's flooded right across the road from Briar Farm to the old water tower , three feet deep , burst water main , ’ and Luke had said , ‘ Yeah , ’ and gone out to the kitchen to raid the fridge .
18 They have given many parties in their time , but on New Year 's Eve they have always gone out to the gatherings of others — sometimes to several gatherings in the course of the evening , and some years separately , not always meeting even for the magic chimes .
19 Well the skipper of the hopper , he get into trouble for that cos he should have gone out to the dumping ground .
20 So he turned away from the mirror and walked towards the weak sunlight ; she had gone out to the balcony , it was warm in the September sunshine .
21 Normally he had already gone out to the horses but now she had to face him and she was feeling quite unsure of herself .
22 If she had not met the man at that particular moment , she would not have gone out to the highway and she would not have met Flynn .
23 and she 'll go and get the milk out and say I 've just got myself a glass of milk mum , oh right , okay not even aware that she 's gone out to the fridge you know , fair enough we say ah , you do n't do you ?
24 At best , he would now only send fresh generals against the Christian force ; but even after El Cid 's death , much of the heart had gone out of the Moorish invaders .
25 ‘ The reason we have had so many problems of late is that the fizz has gone out of the market , ’ Abrahams says .
26 Horribly frightened by this time , for she could not believe that Susan would have gone out of the house , she ran into the kitchen , and stopped short at the sight of the familiar figure sitting crouched in front of the fire .
27 All the shine had gone out of the evening .
28 There was only a handful of mourners at Gillamoor Church , as Uncle George had rarely gone out of the little dale .
29 But he had gone out of the front door , banging it , leaving his shoes on the table which she 'd always believed was bad luck .
30 The brashness had gone out of the sunlight , and the air had a chill .
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