Example sentences of "gone [adv prt] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I 've become skint while Woking have gone on in leaps and bounds .
2 In 1935 , after the Murrells débâcle and the dawning realization that very little which could be described as administration had gone on in Masai District , the Tanganyika government did in fact begin to give some serious thought to the type of man which should be sent there .
3 If one looks across the channel , as some of us have , and sees the way in which the matter is approached there , it is humiliating to consider what has gone on in Britain over the past few years .
4 And of course another very clear example of the overlap between domestic concerns and international concerns is Maastricht and the great debate that 's gone on in Britain about whether or not we should have agreed to the Maastricht Treaty .
5 He was acutely aware of everything that had gone on in front of the then roaring fire .
6 We have overhauled the plans in some of the companies , we 've considered changes that should be done to erm make them more , actually more cost effective for the employee , there 's an element of shifting the cost to the employee while still providing them with coverage and I think the other thing is that erm given the the redundancies that have gone on in Camco and other parts of the group and cost cutting generally , it 's very difficult at this stage to predict you have all sorts of things like actuarial assumptions erm cost inflation of medical costs .
7 If it 's a pest , cull it properly , get the authorities in , we 've got more and more specialists sitting in those chambers telling us what to do on farming issues , on B S E , we 've got coming , we 've got a a team of experts , well not one of them has told said gone down in favour of hunting .
8 They have n't half gone down in price
9 You need an awful lot of persuading to get doctors to start to use a new medicine and a classic example was of the treatment of depression , where the pharmaceutical manufacturers started to produce tablets which were very effective in stopping depression , not just feeling a bit blue but actual serious clinical depression where the person 's sat in the corner and stared at the wall and did nothing — I mean really serious depression — doctors took a long time to realize that there was an effective treatment for that and to start to prescribe it , and in fact actually doctors in Britain are rather good in that we prescribe many more effective treatments for depression , we diagnose it more often , and this we believe in our office that this is one of the reasons why the suicide rate has gone down in Britain quite dramatically in the last few years , because depression , which is obviously one of the main causes of suicide , is being effectively treated .
10 But Bob Champion 's immediate duties after his victory included the obligatory press conference , and his words there sum up why the 1981 Grand National has gone down in history not only as one of the most emotional races ever run , but as perhaps the most inspirational :
11 Neville Chamberlain has gone down in history , either as the politician who was duped by Hitler , or as a shrewd statesman who was playing for time , so Britain could re-arm .
12 She has gone down in history with this quote when she spotted a likely-looking toy boy at a celebrity bash .
13 Of his 8 previous Ulster supporters , 4 had gone down in defeat , I did not re-stand and 3 were marching under new orders which forbade them to give support as in the past .
14 The recession that we 've gone through in materials and elsewhere in the economy has taught us , or should have taught us I believe , a very clear lesson and that is that we must end the situation that 's in the building materials industry where our members rely for a reasonable standard of living on bonus earnings the problem being of course that as soon as the recession starts to bite , then the bonus pay becomes very vulnerable to attack and reduction by the employers .
15 I did n't approve of what he was doing , but if I refused his money I would be more and more visible , so I took it , and when he had gone off in relief back towards the dining car I gave it to the barman .
16 By Thursday no Iraqi missile had fallen on Turkish soil , but the debris of a misfired Patriot anti-missile missile had , and air-raid sirens had gone off in Adana .
17 Several bombs have gone off in Latvia ; the locals think these were planted to give the army a possible excuse to move in .
18 Is it not the case that although the wage increases of British workers have come down the benefits of that have been dissipated , and that due to the recession induced by the Government productivity has gone down although it has gone up in Germany and as a result unit labour costs in the year to the second quarter of 1991 went up by 3 per cent .
19 Dustin 's salary had certainly gone up in leaps and bounds , from $17,000 for The Graduate , to $250,000 for Midnight Cowboy , to $425,000 for John and Mary .
20 All the historical records have gone up in flames .
21 And postage stamps are not the only things that have gone up in price .
22 With extra section and money back guarantee , the Independent 's also gone up in price becoming the most expensive weekend paper .
23 Families may be placed high in these hierarchies for a variety of reasons — because they have brought with them the high status they had in their villages , because they have acquired status by helping new families settle here in the fifties and sixties and kept them in a state of perennial obligation , because they have gone up in class and ( as a Sikh woman in Newham told me ) ‘ claim status by pretending to be ultra-devout and criticising others who are less so . ’
24 Signs have gone up in Bondgate and at other points in the town centre warning motorists of the changes .
25 Your otherwise excellent cover version album was sadly marred by a long speech detailing how annoying it is that the price of eggs has gone up in Narodny-Karabakh .
26 In real terms the average incomes of lone parents have fallen — if their incomes had gone up in line with the Retail Price Index then they would have been about £12 per week higher in 1989 .
27 A They 've gone up in line with the increase in the number of Bonds .
28 The single person 's allowance has gone up in line with inflation to ( 3,445 ) three thousand four hundred and forty five pounds .
29 MUSIC / Gone up in smoke : Tosca — Grand Theatre , Leeds
30 A POLO sponsorship deal won by Major Ron Ferguson has gone up in smoke — only weeks after Fergie 's topless snaps were revealed .
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