Example sentences of "little [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But in the hands of people who could not add two and two together , or calculate that the weekly instalments on the dining room suite , the washing machine , the television set , the refrigerator came to most of the whole weekly income , with little over for rent , food , clothes , and every other necessity , it was practically the root of all evil from which could grow debts , family quarrels , rent arrears , eviction and even worse disaster .
2 There is little out of school provision and where the youth service is actually suffering savage cuts in terms of local government finance .
3 Later that day she had been forced to catnap at her desk , having achieved little else of consequence there .
4 To the binocular-owner there is little else of interest in Draco , which is a decidedly barren group .
5 Whatever , it got him a long , heartfelt , high-pitched ‘ Wooooooooooooooo ’ from about 20,000 people who 'd got little else to wooo about .
6 Brilliant en masse and yet intricate in detail , the crocus is a star performer when there is little else in flower .
7 The flower for months on end , often when there is little else in bloom , and larger species such E. caracias can be positively architectural .
8 He noted that whilst his responses were ‘ accompanied by a considerable body of information regarding induction and development training , there was very little specifically on job training ’ .
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