Example sentences of "based [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In Malaysian electronics , this ‘ has sometimes led to the ridiculous situation whereby a company based near a factory producing ICs places an order with the manufacturer 's parent company or regional marketing office .
2 It has just been argued that a thorough analysis of the market attractiveness and competitive strengths of an SBU ( possibly based upon a Porter analysis ) , should provide more insight into the future covariability of the SBU and total market returns .
3 More often than not the principal criterion used in practice for weeding of all types of collections is the subjective one of ‘ the librarian 's own judgement ’ , based upon a knowledge of the users and of the subject literatures covered by the collection .
4 PCT ( Personal Construct Theory ) , originated by Kelly ( 1955 ) , is based upon a concept of the individual as an active meaning-maker and participant in the world , able both to contemplate upon and extend his/her understanding of it .
5 The picture was based upon a construction site in the school grounds and included a complex arrangement of steps .
6 In this vein , nationalism is described as if it were some independent ideology , strangely based upon a sense of belonging to a particular national or ethnic group , with its traditions and a so-called common history .
7 As Rogers indicates , the accusation is based upon a measure of truth .
8 In respect of motion one five eight , the C E C is opposed because it is based upon a misunderstanding of the purposes of sectionalization .
9 The decision to use Strasbourg as a point of departure for this attempt was based upon a calculation that the strong army garrison in the frontier city would respond to the name of Napoleon , but in fact the whole affair was a disaster and ended in ridicule with the Prince 's arrest .
10 In a decision certain to arouse controversy but brilliant in its audacity , Dan Flavin will build a column of neon light reaching from the Rotunda 's floor to its skylight , and will occupy all the bays of the spiral ramp with an installation based upon a proposal which the artist realised , in fragment , in 1971 .
11 Such programmes are , as Chapter 1 pointed out , based upon a notion of contractual accountability .
12 Most of the respondents felt that in the document moral education is based upon a consensus of values .
13 This proposal , based upon a Council resolution of May 1985 , was innovative in that it only defines basic requirements , leaving detailed specifications to the individual standardisation bodies .
14 based upon a profit bottom line for Grant Development , we 're here looking at the planning application and all the implications .
15 Blake and Mouton ( 1964 ) argue that leadership behaviour is based upon a conflict between two opposing forces within the individual — a concern for the task to be done and a concern for people .
16 Chiles 's victory was particularly impressive in that it was based upon a campaign which included the explicit rejection of negative campaigning tactics — despite personal attacks upon him by his opponents — and the renunciation of " money politics " in the form of a refusal to accept campaign contributions greater that $100 .
17 The strength and the uniqueness of the English primary school has been based upon a tradition of generalist training and generalist teaching .
18 There would , for instance , be a dynamic and advanced economy with the highest possible labour productivity based upon a variety of forms of property and worker participation .
19 Although one means of detachment from the world is a spiritual asceticism based upon a lack of material possessions , more common has been the desire to accumulate luxuries and objects which themselves signify the lack of any need to engage directly in productive labour .
20 Based upon a novel by Ulster author Brian Moore , Marie Davenport ( Theresa Russell ) is unfaithful to her husband Dr Alex Davenport ( Mark Harmon ) with terrible consequences .
21 According to these accounts , the structure of power in capitalism is based upon a state which acts as a mere instrument to serve the interests of those ( the ruling class ) who own the means of production .
22 The premise behind regarding both want and excess as jurisdictional defects , and the breadth of meaning given to excess , are therefore implicitly based upon a Gould type theory .
23 The treatment is based upon a discovery , made in Oxford , that absorption of fluids from the intestine of the rat is stimulated and improved by adding these sugars to the intestine .
24 Main classes are based upon a division of localities into continents .
25 For the Delphi as with the Victoria Centre it is important that schools recognize their needs but for Roger this is based upon a mutuality of interest which is unimpeded by the operation of specific criteria .
26 In its leaning position parallels are inevitably drawn with Pisa , yet the tower based upon a pair of translucent cliffs modelled on the Old Man of Hoy takes the romance of Scottishness to its ultimate conclusion .
27 More explicitly he sees psychodynamic theories as the orthodoxy against which others have railed , either from a positivist and empirical critique ( leading to the development of behavioural social work ) ; or a radical analysis ( based upon a rejection of the individualization of problems and the location of disadvantage at the societal level and the consequent development of radical social work ) .
28 The annual General Household Survey ( GHS ) , is based upon a sample of approximately 10,000 households resident in Great Britain , and provides some data about the prevalence of acute and chronic health problems as well as considering the utilization of health and social care services .
29 The study will be based upon a sample of UK small firms in two widely differing industrial sectors , namely , biotechnology and engineering where subcontracting has grown more rapidly in recent years .
30 On the other hand they could see little merit in a policy based upon a rules approach , since rules are inevitably arbitrary and lacking in any underlying economic logic .
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