Example sentences of "based [prep] last [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The engine ran in Japan last month in a development chassis based on last year 's turbocar .
2 The seeds are based on last year 's First Division averages .
3 In the NHS it has meant allocations , based on last year 's money usually updated for inflation with additional funds for anything new .
4 In mid-March the Home Office was all set to go ahead with a White Paper based on last year 's policy report on cabling by Lord Hunt .
5 OWNERS whose homes have crashed in value will have to pay the new council tax based on LAST YEAR 'S higher prices .
6 ‘ We would expect calendar year 1993 , based on the early performance and based on last year , to be a good solid year from a profit perspective , ’ Roach told the news wire .
7 The prize list was based on last year 's results and optimism and the café stock on last year 's shopping list and guesswork .
8 The Miscellaneous Grants Budget 1993/94 allows for support of £396 based on last year 's figure plus 2.5% inflation .
9 The first one , turning over the page , relates to er , grant maintained schools , erm , the fact that erm , the calculation of the indirect maintenance grant is based on last year 's percentages .
10 I think EVERYONE got nervous then … purely based on last season and conceding late goals after controlling the match .
11 Fairy Tales by Terry Jones ( Puffin , £1.95 ) CHRISTMAS BEST-SELLERS Based on last week 's sales in the children 's department of Waterstone 's in Edinburgh : 1 Rhyming Stew by Roald Dahl ( Jonathan Cape , £7.95 ) 2 Oi Get Off Our Train by John Burningham ( Jonathan Cape , £7.95 ) 3 Matilda by Roald Dahl 4 The Lion , The Witch and The Wardrobe by CSLewis ( Fontana Lion , £2.25 ) 5 Prince Caspian by CSLewis ( Fontana Lion , £2.25 ) 6 Almost Everything There Is To Know by Tim Hunkin ( Pyramid Books , £4.95 ) 7 The Complete Tales of Beatrix Potter ( Frederick Warne , £20 ) 8 Budgie The Helicopter by HRHDuchess of York ( Simon & Schuster , £4.95 ) 9 The Way Things Work by David MacAuley ( Dorling Kindersley , £14.95 ) 10 Peace At Last by Jill Murphy ( Walker , £6.95 ) THE YEAR 'S BEST-SELLERS Supplied by Jane Churchill at Children 's Bookcentre in Kensington , London :
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