Example sentences of "authority [coord] by [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Third , people from other walks of life may be invited to support or participate in In-service training sessions run by the education authority or by individual Compact schools .
2 Specially recruited supervisory staff could be paid for by the local authority or by some other scheme initiator .
3 His intermittent convulsive attacks required resuscitative treatment in hospital and by December 1991 the consultant paediatrician , whose view was supported by the health authority and by other medical opinion , considered that it was medically inappropriate to use mechanical ventilation procedures in any future resuscitation .
4 Inexperienced as I was in counselling , I nevertheless felt it essential that the school should offer itself as a support agency through which parents could find their way into the numerous services provided by the state , by the local authority and by voluntary organisations .
5 Once a practice has become well established in terms of the relationship within or between different organs of the state , finding recognition in works of authority and by those involved in its operation , then it may be said to have reached the status of a convention .
6 It is enacted not by the ordinary legislative authority but by some higher and specially empowered body .
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