Example sentences of "usually [verb] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 This court , usually consisting of three members , increases to five members if the sentence imposes death or mutilation .
2 Nematode eggs differ greatly in size and shape , and the shell is of variable thickness usually consisting of three layers .
3 His feet are usually cocooned in two pairs of thick socks and heavy walking boots — even during hot weather !
4 Gloria put on her stockings , one coupon each , two for the pair and always kept for best , straightened the seams up the back , Vase lined her eyebrows , and put on her suede peeptoe shoes and her little black hat with the veil which usually lived in one of the paper carrier bags on the top of the shelf .
5 The slaves who usually lived in one of the separate wings of the villa , slept together in a dormitory .
6 The only widespread nightjar of the region , most often detected by its song , a far-carrying churr , sustained but with occasional abrupt changes of pitch , not usually heard till 45–60 minutes after sunset .
7 After that , the manager went through the procedure adopted : a telephone call to the reference number cited ; verification of credit card ; verification of driving licence ; verification of home address ( the last three usually completed within ten minutes or so on the International Information Computer ) ; preparation , presentation , and signing of the contract ( including appropriate insurance clauses ) ; then , paperwork now completed , the car brought round to the outer forecourt , with an assistant to give the client a quick run-over of the controls , and to hand over the keys .
8 As with Elizabethan concepts of society , where each man was supposed to labour in his vocation and place , each character usually belongs to one medium and only moves out of it for special and clearly defined purposes , love , hate , respect , mockery , dissimulation , self-revelation .
9 If the model should decide to rotate on its own accord due to something having broken , it will usually stay in one spot and rotate quite happily .
10 Usually limited to 64 pages size .
11 We usually eat at seven , but we waited for you — I 've got a casserole in the oven . ’
12 The rates are usually calculated per 1,000 population .
13 It is usually stopped from six to fifteen inches from the hook , but this can be increased or decreased for special situations that demand either a longer or shorter tail .
14 Decentralisation is usually examined from two perspectives :
15 On the other hand , the fibres are divided into sarcomeres with A- and I-disks , though each myosin filament is usually surrounded by 12 orbital actin filaments ( Davey , 1964 ; Smith , Gupta and Smith , 1966 ; Goldstein and Burdette , 1971 ) .
16 Numbers and peak dates vary annually , the sighting of large movements being closely correlated with the occurrence of south-easterly winds ; Cooper ( 1975 ) , however , noted that the peak off Beachy Head usually occurred between 11 and 20 April .
17 Our memory of our own sleep is usually confined to one or two confusing and ill-recalled dreams , and some individuals claim never even to dream .
18 Each area has an administrative headquarters , usually located in one of the more important towns near the area 's geographical centre .
19 Azotobacter chroococcum , a free-living nitrogen fixer , usually has between five and seven plasmids ( none of which carries the fixation genes ) .
20 The organism may infect the eye of the infant with a resulting ‘ sticky eye ’ , which usually develops within 48 hours .
21 they 're usually made between six and eight months before the first person would move in
22 Ulcers are not usually seen in one particular specialist department in most hospitals .
23 We 're usually done by five , you know , so there 's
24 While it is true that different assessment procedures usually focus on one or other of these different aspects of language , this is a reflection on the recent history of psycholinguistic research and ought not be taken to imply that assessment is best carried out by focusing on discrete areas .
25 Fights usually consist of three three-minute rounds , with a one-minute break between each round .
26 Each community service was individually designed for one or two people in the study group , usually living with one or two people with less severe disabilities in a staffed house or apartment .
27 The lift was not usually operated after six in the evening which meant the holding of ‘ express traffic ’ overnight .
28 The Supreme Soviet usually met for two sessions of a few days each year .
29 Nonetheless , a clear regional pattern divided eastern England , where copyhold by inheritance prevailed , from the west , where copyholds were usually granted for three lives , occasionally fewer ; grants for term of years were rare .
30 In the band-parts divisi passages are usually written on two staves ; it is therefore necessary to insert all accidentals in both the upper and lower factors of the divisi .
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