Example sentences of "usually [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Just as a rector would put in a vicar or curate to care for the souls in his parish , or a landlord would employ a bailiff or steward to manage his estates , so an officer would appoint a deputy to conduct the business of the office , usually for a small pittance , while he himself enjoyed the bulk of the proceeds .
2 Hoomey 's trunks had green pineapples and monkeys printed on them ; Nails picked up lost or abandoned ( usually for a good reason ) trunks in the changing room and only Jazz had a reasonable garment .
3 The vow was usually for a limited time , but Samson ( a somewhat unorthodox Nazirite ) had a lifelong vow ( Judges 13–16 ) .
4 The courts have shown a similar bias , though usually for a different reason .
5 The other residents are mainly visiting academics , often very senior members of their own universities , from many countries , any academic discipline , and are staying in the college usually for a short time .
6 In succeeding years of wartime the annual conference continued to take place , though not at the seaside and not usually for a full week .
7 The general picture seems quite clear ; the families whose daughters entered the printing trade were Overwhelmingly ones where the father was in a manual trade , usually as a skilled worker .
8 Approvals were made by the Bondholders ' Committee , usually as a retrospective notification at their Annual General Meeting .
9 A fourth option — only to be used as a desperate measure — is to take a loan usually as a second charge on the family home .
10 Joy Larkcom does recommend chemicals , alongside their organic alternatives where those exist , but usually as a last resort .
11 This , which is exposed at the very lowest tides , consists usually of a 300–500 m ( 1000–1600 ft ) wide surface of dead coral and debris partly cemented with encrusting algae .
12 Bronze arrow-heads from this period were usually of a flat manufacture ; the drawing appears to show an armour-piercing , square sectioned arrow-head .
13 In his youth CD wrote a number of doggerel verses , usually of a satirical nature , for the amusement of friends , such as ‘ The Bill of Fare ’ ( 1831 ) describing the Beadnells and their guests at a family dinner-party , and four poems contributed to Maria Beadnell 's album .
14 Equally , the discomfort associated with gonorrhoea is usually of a greater order , and men who have suffered repeated attacks of both infections can usually tell which infection it is that they have on any given occasion .
15 Others , for example the cormorants , gulls and terns , are more coast-bound , feeding offshore in winter but mainly in shallow coastal waters in summer ; they breed in smaller colonies , usually of a few dozen pairs close to good feeding grounds .
16 They are usually of a high standard .
17 This approach , also known as automatic design , employs optimization algorithms , usually of a mathematical nature , in such a way that a preferred solution is obtained for a given set of input parameters .
18 We find the process simultaneously tiring , frustrating and rewarding when , at the end of tussling with some problems , we reach a shared view and a commitment to that view , which is usually of a different order to that which we can achieve by any other means .
19 They are usually of a detailed nature , specifying the time-tabled requirements for precise operations and jobs , and invariably set out the sequence of priorities .
20 However , immunity is rapidly re-established and any clinical signs which occur are usually of a transient nature .
21 There was a particularly nasty crematorium in Mitcham , he recalled , with a chapel that looked more than usually like a public lavatory .
22 Even dealer auctions will have ‘ private ’ lots , usually with a reserve price .
23 Over a 16-month period , 296 accidents were reported and of these , 285 were falls ( 3 were scalds , and 8 were abrasions caused by wheelchairs ) and the falls were most likely to occur among those who had suffered previous falls indoors , frequently because of impaired gait and balance , associated usually with a pathological condition .
24 The Audit Commission , which has been given an extended brief to audit all health service facilities under WFP , pursues one-off enquiries usually with a value-for-money focus .
25 In philosophy , ‘ realism ’ ( usually with a small ‘ r ’ ) is broadly the view that whether a thing exists is a question about the world independent of questions about how we could know it or what statements concerning the thing mean .
26 Will Hay created the role of the seedy , blustering , and ineffectual teacher to such effect that his name remains a byword for the caricatured schoolmaster , and , usually with a small company of two or three ‘ boys ’ , he topped variety bills across the country , made successful trips overseas , and became a noted radio performer .
27 Women 's events were established early to encourage female excellence although women are still eligible to play in open events and occasionally do , usually with a male partner .
28 Usually with a built-in copper . ’
29 There is also some evidence that ‘ projects ’ , whilst aspiring to be interdisciplinary , often consist of subject-orientated segments , usually with a strong bias to one subject .
30 Older Kashmiri women stick to the traditional Kashmiri form where the Kamiz ( or the Kurta as it is called in Kashmir ) is rather long , usually with a distinct waist , and the trousers are full , almost bulbous , with a deep and stiff cuff at the ankle .
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