Example sentences of "much the same reason " in BNC.

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1 Argentina 's government failed to arrest inflation for much the same reason .
2 Smaller rodents also chew bone for much the same reason , as well as for its calcium or phosphate content , and like porcupines they seem to prefer older bone rather than completely fresh bone .
3 It all reminded me of what I received when I dared to make some mild criticism of the habits of cyclists and for much the same reason .
4 A piece of pinewood , said Robert Craig , a Scottish electronics engineer , the log going up and down like the ‘ bees ’ in a bottle of bees wine and for much the same reason .
5 Up to now I 've avoided mentioning our day-to-day domestic life , for much the same reason that ex-prisoners are reluctant to talk about their time inside .
6 Balkan aggression was directed at the Germans and Austrians for much the same reason that Polish nationalism was directed against the partitioning powers , but unlike the Poles , the Serbians and Bosnians were supported by the Russians .
7 Some grow much better in damp places where the fish could nibble at them when they felt like it or if they needed to — in a similar way to a dog eating grass — and for much the same reason .
8 For much the same reason as suggested in the last paragraph , this seems a course of action which in practice would be ruled out for many of them by financial constraints : so again , for many , just wishful thinking .
9 For much the same reason , it is also nurturing partnerships with several big information-technology consultancies .
10 But Sunsoft is not alone in its problems : Next Computer has had to delay the Intel version of its NextStep environment for pretty much the same reason .
11 ‘ For much the same reason as I did .
12 For much the same reason , you should never write a sentence like : ‘ B can argue that … but the argument will fail , ’ or ‘ B has committed such-and-such a crime , but he has a good defence . ’
13 He has told April that I am insanely in love with him , and now they both hate me : he , because I have made it plain this is not the case , and she for much the same reason , only compounded by the fact that since he has raised the subject , and in view of his demeanour towards me …
14 Because he wanted a stronger and healthier nation , for much the same reason as Hitler did , on the other side of the Alps — to turn the men into warriors and the women into the mothers of warriors — he started what were known as colonie marine e montane , to which needy children were sent on holiday .
15 There is no stratosphere ‘ bulge ’ of temperature for much the same reason as there is no such bulge in the Martian atmosphere ( question 3.13 ) .
16 And for much the same reason as for Mars the thermosphere of Venus only reaches modest temperatures ( section 3.4.1 ) .
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