Example sentences of "given a fair [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He must know what evidence has been given and what statements have been made affecting him , and then he must be given a fair opportunity to correct or contradict them . "
2 Leaf-roll sawfly This clever little beast is given a fair description and discussion in the answer to question number 52 on page 208 , which , with Figure 13 above , will enable you to spot that it has been on your plants .
3 Aphids , or as they are commonly called , greenfly ( and not uncommonly blackfly ) , are given a fair description and discussion in question number 1 ( see page 123 ) .
4 Given a fair blow much higher speeds must be just as easy .
5 The youth Law changes are in their infancy and are an asset to the game if they are given a fair chance .
6 The clichés have abounded ; Pedrosa , a larger-than-life character , has been cast in the role of tough guy , struggling to ensure that his Rosa is given a fair chance .
7 The private sector must be given a fair chance to compete for local authority contracts .
8 In addition , the Northern Region calls for a full open , and more importantly , independent , investigation into the tendering arrangements for the L P H. We demand a full unequivocal commitment from this government that Swan Hunters be given a fair chance to tender for future Navy work .
9 The Minister 's brief would be to ensure that rapists are given a fair trial , to remove the by then punitive tax on shaving brushes , and generally to encourage his sex to emerge from their hiding-places and contribute to the running of the nation .
10 D. N. Pritt in his autobiography told of his many political cases and of one which ‘ came before a judge of great experience and knowledge , so bitterly opposed to anything left-wing that he could scarcely have given a fair trial if he had tried ’ .
11 Given a fair wind the development could go ahead with minimum delay .
12 First , I believe that I speak for a number of my hon. Friends when I say that we want the Bill to reach the statute book , come what may , in view of the approaching general election , and I hope that it will be given a fair wind .
13 The Local Management of Schools was due to be introduced from 1990 and the Conservative group in had the foresight to see that if the scheme was given a fair wind , and the full support of the Council , it would come to be recognised as one of the greatest reforms of education .
14 Lignite Action Group ( LAG ) set itself a three-fold objective : to gather ‘ information concerning the future in relation to what major changes would take place ’ ; to participate ‘ in any discussions and decisions which are to be made concerning our lives ’ and ‘ to be consulted and have our fears and wishes for the future of the community respected and given a fair hearing ’ .
15 He claimed he was not given a fair hearing .
16 He accepts that he can not make a categorical statement about innocence or guilt , but he feels that his constituent has not been given a fair hearing .
17 They also stated that if no help was forthcoming they might later in the year repeal the international law of first asylum under which the boat people were allowed to apply for refugee status and be given a fair hearing .
18 But even if the contract specifically caters for termination in defined circumstances , you should still be vigilant to ensure that you are given a fair deal .
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