Example sentences of "used [prep] the purpose " in BNC.

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1 As Neil Richardson noted in 1980 , ‘ An old town pub is not just an attractive Victorian or Georgian facade , it is a building which is still being used for the purpose for which it was built .
2 MR JUSTICE HUTCHISON said that the applicant was in effect asking the court to declare unlawful the FPC 's use of paragraph 19 provisions in order to put in place a policy for limiting the use of deputising services , save where the power to limit was used for the purpose of keeping the deputising services going properly .
3 Such differing criteria as these will presumably be used for the purpose of assessing the course-work component of the examinations as well as the final papers .
4 The Town and Country Planning ( Use Classes ) Order 1972 is one such Order , specifying 18 use classes , and stating that where a building or other land is used for the purpose of any class specified in the schedule to the Order , the use thereof for any other purpose of the same class is deemed not to involve development .
5 However , bistables based on individual transistors are sometimes used and valves were used for the purpose many years ago .
6 The problem is , however , that state radio stations are not intended to be used for the purpose of broadcasting beyond state frontiers ; indeed , it was decided in 1978 to forbid these stations from using short wave transmitters with sufficient power to reach other states .
7 Evidence of insufficient cover might include someone other than the insured person driving the vehicle ; the vehicle being used for the purpose other than agreed , e.g. for business purposes ; or the present vehicle not being entered on the firm 's records ( this being difficult to detect in these days of not generally showing a registered number on a certificate ) .
8 It is the logic of the asylum to sell scanners without restriction and then say they should n't be used for the purpose most people buy them .
9 As the text emerged from the drafting committee , the English text , but not the French text , of Article 1 made express reference to ‘ discovery ’ ; a request was not to be used for the purpose of obtaining discovery between the parties before the trial .
10 In practice , information gained by interception is only used for the purpose of assisting police or Security Service investigations , and is not tendered as evidence in court .
11 These are things which one earns , rather like spurs , and are used for the purpose of encouraging and sustaining the motivation of pupils .
12 Thus ( 1 ) article 10 may be used for the purpose of the resolution of an ambiguity in English primary or subordinate legislation : Ex parte Brind , per Lord Bridge of Harwich , at pp. 747–748 ; per Lord Roskill , at pp. 749–750 ; per Lord Ackner , at p. 760. ( 2 ) Article 10 may be used when considering the principles upon which the court should act in exercising a discretion , e.g. whether or not to grant an interlocutory injunction : per Lord Templeman and Lord Ackner in Attorney-General v. Guardian Newspapers Ltd. [ 1987 ] 1 W.L.R. 1248 , 1296 , 1307 ; In re W. ( A Minor ) ( Wardship : Restrictions on Publication ) [ 1992 ] 1 W.L.R. 100 , 103 , in the Court of Appeal .
13 When investigating offences in Jamaica the police take from potential witnesses written statements which are not , however , used for the purpose of committing accused persons for trial .
14 ‘ A witness may be cross-examined as to previous statements made by him in writing or reduced into writing relative to the subject matter of the indictment or proceeding , without such writing being shown to him ; but if it is intended to contradict such witness by the writing , his attention must , before such contradictory proof can be given , be called to those parts of the writing which are to be used for the purpose of so contradicting him : provided always , that it shall be competent for the judge at any time during the trial , to require the production of the writing for his inspection , and he may thereupon make such use of it for the purpose of the trial as he may think fit .
15 The ordinary shares are the equity provided to management and therefore rank last in priority ( subject only to the deferred shares , which are often used for the purpose of a ratchet mechanism ) .
16 All that is required is that sufficient of the works shall have been completed to enable the premises to be used for the purpose intended , and if the tenant has any particular concerns as to the completion of the works then it should ensure that express provision is made for those concerns in the agreement ( see clause 2.8 ) .
17 Two types of contractual provision are commonly used for the purpose of protecting business secrets .
18 If , however , the court order specifies that the lump sum is to be used for the purpose of purchasing a home for the assisted person or her dependants enforcement of the charge can be postponed ( Civil Legal Aid ( General ) Regulations 1989 , reg 96 ) .
19 Its essential circuitry is much used for the purpose of frequency selection in electronic equipment , for example , in controlling the output frequency of an electronic oscillator .
20 Indeed , when Tolkien arrived , he found that the Old English being dished up to the likes of Betjeman was in a grossly truncated form , and the poetry was mainly seen as a quarry for ‘ gobbets ’ — that is , short passages of a very few lines , used for the purposes of testing the candidates ' knowledge of sound-changes .
21 In all cases the facilities will be used for the purposes of the University .
22 motor vehicles owned by the Secretary of State for Defence and used for the purposes of the disposal of bombs or explosives
23 motor vehicles used for the purposes of the Blood Transfusion Service provided under the National Health Service Act 1977 or under the National Health Service ( Scotland ) Act 1947 ;
24 motor vehicles owned by the National Coal Board and used for the purposes of rescue operations at mines ;
25 motor vehicles owned by the Royal National Lifeboat Institution and used for the purposes of launching lifeboats .
26 The centre responds to requests for productions from groups in and around Bangalore with the understanding that they are used for the purposes of education and social development and that they reflect the principles of Christian communication .
27 It would be ridiculous to suggest that black kids who are constantly being geared up by teachers to thrust themselves into sports , do not , at some stage , recognize that there exists a manipulative element : they feel they are regarded as naturally gifted sportsmen ( see Vince Hilaire 's opening quotation ) , but without an abundance of intellectual equipment , who are used for the purposes of bringing prestige to both the individual teacher and the school .
28 A /t/ which occurs before the recognition point must be used for the purposes of recognising the spoken word : but it appears not to be used for making phoneme-monitoring decisions , since monitoring latencies are related to the word 's recognition point , not to the point at which the target occurred .
29 Similarly credits earned on exchange or by credit transfer ( normally a maximum of four exchange credits are allowed ) are counted towards the number of credits required for an award but the marks are not used for the purposes of classification .
30 However , because it is the weight distribution rather than the frequency distribution which determines sediment behaviour during transport and deposition the weight of the pebbles falling into each size class should be used for the purposes of comparison .
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