Example sentences of "used [prep] [adj] purpose " in BNC.

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1 About what proportion of the National Park is used for each purpose ?
2 for so long as may be necessary to enable the vehicle , if it can not be used for such purpose without stopping in that length of road , to be used for fire brigade , ambulance or police purposes or in connection with any building operation , demolition or excavation , the removal of any obstruction to traffic , the maintenance , improvement or reconstruction of that length of road , or the laying , erection , alteration , repair or cleaning in or near to that length of road of any traffic sign or sewer or of any main , pipe or apparatus for the supply of gas , water or electricity , or of any telegraph or telephone wires , cables , posts or supports .
3 It is proposed that the oracle database management system will be used for such purpose .
4 erm in the first place there are no bylaws restricting the display of posters in Harlow erm there are however town planning er restraints on and indeed there are a recognised number of sites which can be used for that purpose .
5 Like other fair-minded people , we wanted to see more help given to these parents and their children ; and it was plain that over the next ten years or so Parliament would be doing that , and our scheme would be one of the instruments used for that purpose .
6 A value of £3 million has been used for that purpose .
7 The proceedings of the House should not be used for that purpose .
8 If motorists could see that the tax was being used for that purpose , they would be much happier about paying it
9 However , the practical implementation of these specialised services is too cumbersome for regular use outside these fields of activity , and more general services such as Telecom Gold , whilst offering the possibility of adequate authentication , can prove expensive ( and thus unattractive ) if used for that purpose .
10 It is quite reasonable for a purchaser to assume that a vendor who sells land for a particular purpose will not do anything to prevent its being used for that purpose , but it would be utterly unreasonable to assume that the vendor was undertaking restrictive obligations which would prevent his using land retained by him for any lawful purpose whatsoever …
11 It has never been used for that purpose , although Sir Anthony Eden contemplated invoking it for government propaganda during the Suez crisis , and during the Falklands recapture it provided the legal basis for the Government 's use of BBC transmitters on Ascension Island to beam propaganda broadcasts at Argentina .
12 In a simple sale of the whole of a seller 's property , the title to which is registered , the form of transfer of whole will apply ; it 's so simple that commonly one dictates it " off the cuff " , and the top copy is made on front of Form 19 or Form 19(JP) so that it can be used for that purpose .
13 This argument appealed to what I called the ideal of protected expectation , that collective force should be used only in accordance with standards chosen and read through procedures the community as a whole knows will be used for that purpose , procedures so widely acknowledged that they are matters of general social or professional convention .
14 Reacting to Ms Ashworth 's claim , BT said it would be appalled if those machines were used for that purpose .
15 The money has not been used for that purpose .
16 Some buildings , such as milking parlours and farm workshops , are fully used for one purpose throughout the year ; others , such as hay barns and Shearing sheds are not .
17 The key point is that if the knives are used for one purpose and do not fall into the category of domestic cutlery there is a case for a ban .
18 Masham can never supply the whole S&N estate so extra capacity in Newcastle is used for this purpose .
19 The buildings continued to be used for this purpose until the mid-1980s when an enterprising manager of a local farm realised that something could be done to salvage the structures for a more profitable use .
20 A system of cross-references was used for this purpose , for example anthropophagy : see eucharist , altar , communion .
21 Money transferred from the Social Security budget to local social services departments will be used for this purpose .
22 Complex polyphosphates are used for this purpose such as sodium tripolyphosphate or tetrasodium pyrophosphate .
23 Coarse sand can not be used for this purpose , because it soon enlarges the hole through which it flows .
24 The old offices of Lord President and Lord Privy Seal may conveniently be used for this purpose … .
25 As in most houses in those days , old garments were used for this purpose .
26 Coyote and fox scat concentrations are used for this purpose , and it is quite common to find mustelid scats from weasels or martens deposited along walls or roads which mark the edge of individual ranges ( Lockie , 1966 ; MacDonald , 1979 ) .
27 The owner of premises to be used for this purpose is required to obtain a ‘ disposal licence ’ under section 5(1) of that Act to either commence , or if disposal was already being carried out before the Act came into force , to continue operations .
28 As finance for books may be limited , money given by patients could be used for this purpose .
29 Cardboard or plywood can be used for this purpose .
30 Some Home Corners have even extended onto split levels or two floors , where raised areas have been used for this purpose .
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