Example sentences of "to have a significant [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The absence of such a universally adopted standard whereby the human conscience could have been developed to have a significant influence on human behaviour , has been the cause of much failure in efforts to administer justice .
2 One of Noverre 's choreographic masterpieces , Don Juan ( with music by Gluck ) , was to have a significant influence on Mozart 's own Don Giovanni .
3 A forceful , clean striker , he made an unbeaten 94 in a defeat by Essex in May — a result which was to have a significant bearing on the championship — and soon afterwards scored a maiden century against Kent .
4 Nevertheless , we have attempted to derive a better index of fetal adiposity than simple birth weight and have found it to have a significant bearing on results of regression analysis , suggesting that maternal glycaemia does have an impact on fetal size independent of maternal weight .
5 They will have to agree the plan and will no doubt wish to have a significant part in discussions .
6 Presbyterians retained a consciousness of their Scottish origins and came to have a significant presence in the local economy and finance institutions , predominating in the North and East .
7 On the basis of the limited evidence available some 5 per cent of all schools in England are likely to have a significant population of children for whom English is not their mother tongue .
8 If electric cars are going to have a significant future , we have to find a cleaner way to generate electricity . "
9 The Government 's White Paper on Science and Technology is set to have a significant effect on universities , industry and education after its announcement that the funding priorities of the £6 billion R&D budget will be aimed at harnessing Britain 's strengths to enhance wealth creation .
10 Obviously the frequency of the waves we receive will be the same as the frequency at which they are emitted ( the gravitational field of the galaxy will not be large enough to have a significant effect ) .
11 This becomes necessary when chain entanglements begin to have a significant effect on the relaxation times .
12 One point the department is very clear on , the section paragraph five thirteen of P P G twelve is as crystal clear as it could be , the structure plan should indicate the general location of individual developments likely to have a significant effect on the plan area .
13 But while they look broadly similar across the industry , being between 1 and 2 per cent , even this small difference can start to have a significant effect on returns over longer periods .
14 We have been in business a long time and not being selected by one particular country is not going to have a significant effect on us at all . ’
15 The Ford talks are expected to have a significant impact on pay talks throughout manufacturing industry in the next six months .
16 However , one suspects that the transition is illusory since the formidable constraints to translating techniques into widely-adopted practice only become fully apparent when the project is big enough potentially to have a significant impact .
17 Expert systems are likely to have a significant impact on DSS and GIS in hazard management ( Fedra and Reitsma 1989 ) .
18 If WACC is to have a significant impact on global communication , there must be much more dialogue with the creative and economic forces which are at the heart of the system .
19 We would expect the slow migration of hot-spot swells across continental interiors to have a significant impact on landscape development through , for instance , the disruption and diversion of drainage systems .
20 The answer which is usually proffered is a variant of the ‘ snapshot ’ argument : the stock of capital is so large in comparison with variations in the relevant flows that it would take a timespan considerably longer than the Keynesian short run for variations in the rate of net investment to have a significant impact on the size of the stock of capital .
21 The University continues to foster this relationship with its neighbouring college of higher education , while at the same time recognising that the changes proposed most recently in initial teaching training are likely to have a significant impact on its provision in Education .
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