Example sentences of "to have a better [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He had planned the whole scheme and ought to have a better idea than me of what was going to happen .
2 ‘ They seem to have a better idea of the indie ethic in America , ’ muses Jim .
3 My only memory of those auditions was that everyone seemed to have a better idea of why they were perfect for each particular part than I did !
4 How to have a better sex life
5 How to have a better sex life 0898 223 367
6 Bonanza Boy , one of my old favourites , has been a remarkable horse over the years and I am a touch sad in having to desert him for a horse I consider to have a better chance .
7 Peter Davies , the 1988 winner of the silver arrow , was using a composite bow in order to have a better chance of winning , but next year he intended to shoot longbow for he thought this was really a longbow tournament .
8 Additional policies may be required to complement fiscal policy if the government is to have a better chance of achieving its various objectives .
9 You do not need a complete conventional circuit with a long downwind leg , although this will obviously give you more time in which to have a better look at the field .
10 He stepped out to have a better look .
11 Daisy watched an expectant Trace Coley re-arranging her Panama in the driving mirror of her father 's Rolls as Brigadier Canford put on his spectacles to have a better look .
12 They would also move closer to have a better look .
13 He wrenches the seat-belt free of his body to have a better look .
14 You 're not that blonde one I 've noticed driving around and nearly swerved to have a better look at the other day are you ?
15 Could n't ask to have a better man around .
16 Intel has decided that the next generation of PC processors needs to have a better name than the 586 .
17 WACC-AR should make an inventory and directory that will enable communicators in Africa to have a better knowledge of the existing communication and human rights organisations , institutions and resources in Africa ;
18 What we need now , to have a better grasp of these connections , is a better grasp of the two kinds of statements .
19 Expert systems can help the human expert to have a better understanding of his cognitive knowledge .
20 Now that 24 hour pressure recordings are used increasingly for the investigation of disorders of oesophageal motility in patients with chest pain of undertermined origin , it is important to have a better understanding and a more precise characterisation of the non-deglutitive and non-peristaltic motor activity of the normal oesophagus .
21 I intend us to have a better record on inflation in the 1990s than in either the 1970s or the 1980s .
22 It happened to be my birthday — I 've never had or am likely to have a better birthday dinner , I do n't mind being a year older every year for this !
23 HP claims to have a better handle on the situation , providing a one-step upgrade and 18 months to plan and implement the migration .
24 It was so much the sort of remark one could only make to a girl friend , but Rupert took it very nicely and said with only slightly forced heartiness , ‘ Jolly good , and it 's an excuse for me to have a better meal than usual , too .
25 Yes I think that over the course of our married life we had a number of moves for various reasons , generally to improve the accommodation , erm as standard of life increased so the desire to have a better house to live in or rather in those days a house was out of the question , we generally had rooms in a house , erm , they , the flat for instance that we were bombed out from was a basement flat , erm according to the estate agents it was a garden flat , erm and it meant that you had access to the front garden and the back garden , but as for being a garden flat it was below the level of the garden in the front and at the back it was on the level with the erm green grass at the back of the house , it was also along side of the trolley bus depot , so there it was considerably noisy , nevertheless it was a self contained flat , the first one we 'd had , no the second one we 'd had and we were perfectly happy there although of course it did have minor difficulties , the fact that you used the front door with people who had flats on the other remaining three floors , but nevertheless it did involve you in a certain amount of community living , you were aware of your neighbours , you had to be very conscious of them and they were very conscious of you .
26 You sell your time for money to have a better time in the unsold hours .
27 Why is this coalfield likely to have a better future than that in North East England ?
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