Example sentences of "to have be able [verb] " in BNC.

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1 For surely he ought to have been able to explain to Colonel Hope , to persuade Colonel Hope , to arrive at a gentlemanly agreement — and what precisely had Colonel Hope said ?
2 It was not beyond the wit of any surgeon worthy of his calling or apothecary worthy of his phial to have been able to perform superficial embalming , and it is highly unlikely that assistance was asked for at the London end .
3 NDEs come in two forms : out-of-body floating ( where a person claims to have been able to see himself from above ) and swirling tunnels of light .
4 I am particularly pleased to have been able to see through the work to stamp out default and to promote high standards in the profession . ’
5 During the Iran-Iraq war , Iraq appears occasionally to have been able to draw on a US coverage to chart the movements of Iranian forces .
6 Having been to a coeducational school , she did not find men a novelty , and in theory ought to have been able to discriminate better than Liz ( who endured some fairly dreadful experimental evenings in her search for entertainment ) , but her natural kindness made it almost impossible for her to refuse any overture , however offensive , however louche .
7 It would be nice to have been able to offload your worries on to someone or something like that .
8 It was kicked around like a football from family to family , none of whom seemed to have loved it or to have been able to hold on to it for long .
9 Mr Prescott said that the Safety Authority ought to have been able to answer the questions without reference to Eurotunnel .
10 Mr Prescott said yesterday : ‘ For the authority not to have been able to answer these sorts of questions , without going to Eurotunnel at that late stage when rolling stock had already been ordered , is totally unacceptable . ’
11 One reason is that owners are often stronger than intruders , which are animals too weak to have been able to set up a territory .
12 Only a handful of people , it had been established , had been near enough to the leading car of the funicular to have been able to give it the fatal extra push that had sent Woodleigh and Jilly Jonathan tumbling down the steep hillside .
13 In many ways , he would have preferred to have been able to give himself over to the delusion and accept it as truth ; but there seemed to be a definite boundary here , and it was n't his choice whether or not he crossed it .
14 In Morris ( Herbert ) Ltd v Saxelby there was no doubt that the defendant knew of business secrets but the court decided they were far too complicated and detailed for the defendant to have been able to carry them away in his head and as there was no evidence of actual copying , this part of the claim failed .
15 The East India Company might have liked to have been able to take the same detached attitude as the Hudson 's Bay Company .
16 The English monks seem for some years to have been able to resist the discipline of Lanfranc .
17 I have been extremely fortunate to have worked in three scientific spheres : botanical , paleontological and malacological , over 19 years and even luckier to have been able to do scientific illustrating for publication , on subjects as diverse as grass flowers and tiny rodent jawbones !
18 I would have given anything to have been able to do something , particularly since nobody else seemed interested in assisting , but Granny was a difficult person to help and I was young and afraid of horses .
19 I would have loved to have been able to do more to turn that vision into reality .
20 Lancashire colliers seem to have been able to earn around 1s 9d ( 8½p ) a day by 1786 , rather less than the 2s 3d ( 11p ) then being earned on the Yorkshire coalfield , let alone the 3s ( 15p ) for which Staffordshire miners were then striking .
21 Fish are likely to have been able to detect sound from a very early period .
22 In fact ‘ inadequate ’ is probably an understatement : they appeared to have been able to snap the ‘ high tensile steel ’ with consummate ease since only the broken end which clamps to the steering wheel was ever recovered .
23 ‘ But surely we ought to have been able to find some sort of compromise … ’
24 Mr Major won enough useful points in support of Britain 's well-advertised aversion to punitive sanctions to have been able to brief Sunday papers about a ‘ British victory ’ .
25 Mr Major won enough useful points in support of Britain 's well-advertised aversion to punitive sanctions to have been able to brief Sunday papers about a ‘ British victory ’ .
26 The timing of this rejection was unfortunate for Franco , for nothing would have suited him better than to have been able to announce Spanish membership of the international winners ' club on the morning of the ninth anniversary of the 18 July rising .
27 ‘ Anything you 'd like to have been able to keep about the past ? ’
28 On selling players , I 'm sure he would like to have been able to keep Sheridan , Hendrie , Batty , and Cuntona , as well as keep all the current players and spend smoe millions on defenders .
29 Mehetabel , or ‘ Hetty ’ as she was generally known , received the same education as her brothers , and is said to have been able to read Greek at the age of eight .
30 But the Kuwaitis ' tactics and timing are interesting : as holder of the only stake smaller than Hongkong 's they ought to have been able to sway what threatened to be a contested offer .
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