Example sentences of "always [art] danger [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Always the danger of the cold spreading too fast , of my not being able to live with it .
2 There was always the danger of curvature of the spine .
3 With books of this nature , there is always the danger of varying quality between chapters , but happily the book 's editor has by and large overcome this difficulty .
4 However carefully you are prepared , buying a farm can be an exciting and hectic experience , and there is always the danger of making a subjective judgement or acting on impulse ; it is here that experienced friends are invaluable .
5 No matter how new and safe the wiring in a home , there is always the danger of injury and electrocution .
6 There 's always the danger of the learner 's experience looking more like a patchwork quilt than an ordered and informative sequence of events that builds knowledge on knowledge , experience on experience .
7 Vladimir described the difference as ‘ white washing ’ and ‘ washing white ’ : white washing is quick and relatively easy , just covering up what was there , but there is always the danger of it chipping off and revealing what is underneath .
8 Sometimes a commercial is deliberately written round a particular character , because he or she seems an absolute ‘ natural ’ for the product , but there is always the danger of a personality taking over a brand completely .
9 In winter there is always the danger of an avalanche in the Alps .
10 The decline of hunting was brought about by the digging of the chalk quarries as there was always the danger of hounds being led over the edge .
11 After the wedding Merrill would try to let her acquaintance with Rob and Stella lapse for there was always the danger of meeting Luke again .
12 There 's always the danger of a guest landing in a heap on those boulders .
13 Computer equipment runs on electricity so there is always the danger of electrical shock and , if this results from negligence , there is a strong possibility of an action in negligence .
14 Though there is always the danger of a little knowledge being a dangerous thing , some time and money on training your secretaries in basic personal injury principles will be well spent .
15 There 's always the danger of biting off more than you can chew .
16 And there 's always the danger of it could it be changed , and then you 've got the whole curriculum area to look after .
17 Mrs Widdup explained : ‘ There is always a danger of the animals trespassing or the horses leaning over and eating someone 's trees . ’
18 There is always a danger of this happening with innovation , of those instigating and leading a new initiative coming to believe that nothing happened in the field before their arrival .
19 There is always a danger of overidentification with the people we study and to regard their problems as unique simply because the people themselves see it that way .
20 It can be possible to acclimatize a specialised feeder to substitute foods although there is always a danger of a reluctance to feed deteriorating into anorexia and premature demise .
21 Blessed with a good audience there 's always a danger of the comics running overtime , and it 's up to me to stretch or speed up the show should the need arise .
22 I think there 's always a danger of being a bit simplistic about children who I think have a right to their own family , and that does n't just mean parents , it means grandparents , people who can talk to them about their past , the past of the family .
23 ( There is always a danger of pinning in any kayak or canoe but on rivers the chances of getting trapped in a boat are , of course , much higher than on the sea . )
24 there is always a danger of interviewer bias ; interviewers may be tempted to express agreement with the respondent to maintain rapport ; the interviewer 's opinion may be conveyed by dress , accent , pauses or voice inflection in the reading of questions , thus revealing boredom , surprise etc .
25 There is always a danger of order bias — people remember and therefore choose items near the beginning or end of a list .
26 There is always a danger of war when you have a face to face confrontation that is building up in the Gulf at the moment .
27 But the Department of Transport says it 's important to ban the plates because simply having them on the car , changes the driver 's behaviour and the idea is that speed is always a danger on our roads and anything that contributes to safety is to be encouraged .
28 There is always a danger with such large amounts of disclosure that the major points can be missed by the acquirer and its advisers .
29 It is always a danger for doctors , I suppose .
30 They were n't hers and she knew there was always a danger in wanting other peoples ' things for oneself .
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