Example sentences of "always [art] possibility [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In very light cross winds there is always the possibility of dropping a wing on to the ground and swinging badly .
2 New trilobites are being discovered every year , and there is always the possibility of finding one with its legs preserved !
3 Although there was always the possibility of drought or flooding , the Nile seldom brought disaster to Egypt .
4 There is always the possibility of disruption .
5 The production machinery has to be moved every day as the face moves , geological variations mean that the size and quality of the seam is unpredictable , and there is always the possibility of the collapse of the walls , roof , etc .
6 Although the latter was in the hands of people who rarely expressed anything but praise for the Government and TANU , neither of these institutions had editorial control , and there was always the possibility of its political line changing : after all , Ulimwengu had formerly been a firm TANU supporter .
7 I 'm not sure he liked it much , because there 's always the possibility of a label like that sticking .
8 It is likely to be frightened in the dark , and there is always the possibility of exhaust fumes leaking into this compartment , sometimes with deadly effects .
9 There was always the possibility of an obscure clash escalating into full-scale conflict .
10 There 's always the possibility of making a terminal ass of yourself , is n't there ? ’
11 As with many successful products there was always the possibility of a sequel and Collector 's Edition II duly appeared earlier this year .
12 Encourage them to play outside as there is always the possibility of bursting .
13 When there is little room for flexibility , there is always the possibility of compromise .
14 For in the future , under different conditions , there is always the possibility of showing that it 's wrong .
15 There is always a possibility of deceit or self-deception .
16 I should perhaps add for completeness sake that it was urged upon your Lordships that there was always a possibility of a leak to the prosecuting authorities of incriminating information disclosed by the defendants as a result of complying with the order and use being made , innocently , by the prosecution of such information , which , ex hypothesi , they had not themselves acquired .
17 So you 're sitting in your office and some , you know your , your boss comes in and says hey the president says so and so , but the president does n't usually say it to you he says it to somebody else so there 's always , there 's always a possibility of ambiguity , somebody else has interpreted the president 's message in a particular way .
18 The Chinese state , it was argued , was a rehearsal for ‘ social fascism ’ and capitalist restoration was always a possibility without real reform .
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