Example sentences of "went [adv] beyond the " in BNC.

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1 To be fair to him , he had repeatedly hinted that , when the evidence was in , it would show that Pound 's contribution went far beyond the mere passing of judgement on particular passages ; and indeed it turned out that the very structure of the poem had been extricated by Pound , rather than conceived and composed by the poet whose name appeared on the title-page .
2 But ‘ posturing and pretending ’ went far beyond the unions .
3 In every respect , she displayed a love and devotion for Mother which went far beyond the line of filial duty .
4 Abraham 's faith went far beyond the reach of understanding , but it is a travesty of the facts to ignore the elements of understanding which enabled him to do so .
5 We can , moreover , be fairly sure that these contacts with other communities had effects which went far beyond the Minoans ' original intentions .
6 The post-1873 programme , however , went far beyond the destruction of the old order .
7 Competing groups — for example , companies in the same line of business or different universities — engaged in intense and bitter rivalry in which manifestations of loyalty and dedication to the group sometimes went far beyond the bounds of what was normally acceptable .
8 The transformation went far beyond the narrowly economic ; it wrought a fundamental change in the structure and behaviour of village society and reduced rural discontent to a genuinely low level .
9 But the circumstances of its failure , and the manoeuvrings of politicians and judges which accompanied that failure , combined to produce a calamity which went far beyond the collapse of a doomed policy , for the failure directly resulted in a deep distrust of the judicial system .
10 Yet the Commons debate went far beyond the usual slanging match — and although Minister Robert Key tried hard to describe Government policy in the best possible light , serious concern and strong criticism was expressed that alone in the National Heritage budget , the English Tourist Board 's ( ETB ) funding is to be fiercely reduced .
11 Gore 's proposal went far beyond the informal investigation begun in May at the request of House Speaker Tom Foley .
12 Conversely , instances of anti-abortion legislation which went far beyond the Pennsylvania statute — particularly in Louisiana , Utah and Guam , where attempts had been made to outlaw almost all abortions — appeared doomed to failure .
13 The increasing switch to populist methods , and the threats to public order and the political anti-semitism with which this became associated in the public mind , meant that Mosley 's movement went increasingly beyond the pale .
14 They entered all three parts of the competition , but were rejected by Angell and Pownall as they went well beyond the site boundaries and the rooms were awkwardly shaped .
15 The proposed national curriculum contained many familiar ingredients : However , the paper went well beyond the delineation of a framework : it proposed the establishment in each subject area of ‘ attainment targets ’ for pupils at age 7 , 11 , 14 and 16 , as well as ‘ programmes of study ’ setting out ‘ the overall content , knowledge , skills and processes relevant to today 's needs which pupils should be taught ’ .
16 Several Conservative candidates in by-elections — egged on by Beaverbrook — went well beyond the official policy and as a result got little official support .
17 This shift went well beyond the general decline of the traditional working class in the electorate ( discussed below ) and reflected the increasing selection of ‘ more educated candidates ’ with ‘ administrative aptitudes ’ under the conditions of electoral competition , and within the dominant technocratic conception of politics , which had held sway since the rise of ‘ Butskellism ’ in the mid '50s .
18 I went well beyond the carob until I came to strands of wire running through the trees , at the edge of the inland bluff , the eastern limit of Bourani .
19 Nevertheless , our surveys showed schools undertaking a wide range of activities in pursuit of home-school rapport and cooperation , particularly where younger children were concerned , and many schools went well beyond the obvious activities like information exchange , open days and social events to pursue more adventurous and long-term programmes .
20 Finance Ministers and central bank governors ( i ) commented that the United Kingdom was moving towards economic recovery , that recovery was under way in the United States , that growth was projected to pick up in Italy and France , and that in Japan and Germany growth had slowed from the rapid pace in 1990 to a more sustainable rate ; ( ii ) noted the importance of strengthening global savings ; ( iii ) reaffirmed the need for effective measures to avoid the recurrence of " recent irregularities that were revealed in some financial markets " ( a reference in particular to scandals in Japan — see pp. 38529 — and to the collapse of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International — see pp. 38396-37 ; 38355 ; 38545 ) ; ( iv ) called on the Paris Club to continue discussions on how best to implement promptly additional debt relief measures , on a case-by-case basis , which went well beyond the relief already granted under the " Toronto terms " [ see pp. 36123-24 ] ; and ( v ) noted that it was essential for developing countries to encourage private capital flows .
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