Example sentences of "went upstairs to the " in BNC.

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1 Sara went upstairs to the front bedroom , dumped her knapsack on the floor , took off her socks and shorts and sat on one of the beds .
2 Wearing her full brown skirt and white gloves , Isabel Lavender went upstairs to the attic , oiling the lock and shifting cases to make a passage for herself .
3 Anne got out of the mini-drama and went upstairs to the Ladies .
4 When the punch had cooled he took it out to the garden shed , within easy reach of Tibbles who , since her dose of chicken thallium , seemed to have improved in every conceivable way , and went upstairs to the bedroom .
5 Mr Trilby went upstairs to the main bedroom .
6 We went upstairs to the diningroom , turned the knob , took a deep breath and went in .
7 Dotty was n't there to cosset him , and presently he went upstairs to the wardrobe , where Prue made him a cup of tea .
8 Melanie could hear the liquid trilling echoing faintly on the landing when she went upstairs to the lavatory .
9 Then we went upstairs to the make-up room and Mr Wogan came to say a quick hello , which is his custom , I believe .
10 A little while later , Hugo left his friends and went upstairs to the room to take her some food and drink .
11 Julia kept her eyes clear of both Lord Cumbermound and Canon Wheeler and , leaving McGee to clear the table for port and dessert , she went upstairs to the drawing-room to remove the sherry glasses and set out coffee .
12 The three women went upstairs to the spare bedroom .
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