Example sentences of "ago and has be " in BNC.

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1 Touche Ross made 200 redundant last year , Ernst and Young has shed 260 since 1990 , Coopers and Lybrand Deloitte cut 200 jobs a year ago and has been steadily losing jobs ever since and Peat Marwick McLintock has cut 300 .
2 Vee Clark has written to say she bought her first knitting machine from Julia 18 months ago and has been very happy to have her help on more than one occasion .
3 He left his wife six years ago and has been divorced for three years .
4 Hound Tor is a deserted settlement in Manaton parish , high on the east side of Dartmoor , which was excavated some years ago and has been left open so that visitors can see it .
5 The first woman governor , Miss Muriel Allen , retired a little while ago and has been succeeded by Mr. Roy Merricks .
6 Yet again England were indebted to Platt , who celebrated his 27th birthday just two days ago and has been restricted to the bench by an ankle injury .
7 Derek Fletcher was arrested by police in the USA three months ago and has been kept in custody in Corpus Christi .
8 Cecilia Taylor first tried a Medau class about 19 years ago and has been ‘ hooked ’ on it ever since ; regularly taking part in displays , rallies and courses .
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