Example sentences of "yesterday for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Scotland 's Labour MPs gathered at their party headquarters in Glasgow yesterday for a four-hour post-election meeting but afterwards Mr Donald Dewar , shadow Scottish Secretary , dismissed talk of a split within the party .
2 A former nurse , hurt on duty and unlikely to work again , was awarded £157,500 by Newcastle Crown Court yesterday for a serious back injury .
3 GRAEME SOUNESS may yet realise his lifelong ambition of leading out an FA Cup Final team despite entering hospital yesterday for a triple by-pass heart operation which will keep him away from Anfield until the start of next season .
4 The board of inquiry called yesterday for a full and open judicial inquiry into the alleged activities of the death squad , noting that the present McNally investigation was an inter-departmental inquiry behind closed doors .
5 FARMERS voted yesterday for a tough licensing system to curb straw burning , after complaints about smoke pollution at the end of this year 's harvest .
6 The All Blacks assembled yesterday for a rugged training session but have been unable to prepare themselves fully as the Lions have delayed selection for another 24-hours due to ever increasing injury problems .
7 But the court chairman , Valery Zorkin , left yesterday for a two-week trip to the United States .
8 TWO youngsters cuddled up yesterday for a special ‘ thank you ’ to the man who gave them life .
9 DARLINGTON Council was criticised yesterday for a continuing vermin problem in Hundens Lane .
10 Middlesbrough , yesterday for a fast-paced lesson on ‘ Kwik Cricket ’ .
11 The ministers , from seven Arab countries , met in Tunis on Thursday night and yesterday for a fresh attempt to resolve the stalemate .
12 THE vigilante businessman who was cleared last week of murdering a suspected car vandal was jailed for 18 months yesterday for an alternative charge of affray .
13 PRESIDENT Boris Yeltsin called yesterday for an urgent session of the country 's highest legislature to end a power struggle threatening to derail his reform plans .
14 ANOTHER drop in the inflation rate was cold comfort yesterday for the 2.74 million jobless .
15 The eternal flame went out yesterday for the second time since it was lit on July 26 last year .
16 PRINCE Michael of Kent took to the road in a 90-year-old car yesterday for the annual RAC London to Brighton veteran car run .
17 A SOCIAL services chief issued an appeal yesterday for the bit-part actress Yasmin Gibson to contact them about the future of her Home Alone daughter , being cared for in a children 's home .
18 IRELAND 'S Bruce Topping and Michael Watt both qualified yesterday for the semi finals of the prestigious Glasgow Open Badminton Championship .
19 Nor , she was sure , Bert , whom she had seen yesterday for the first time as a potentially responsible comrade .
20 Seeing it yesterday for the first time , she had reflected that great tact would have to be employed for two women to share quarters this size .
21 Hodgson was in the witness box yesterday for the first time in the trial — now in its fifth week .
22 There were a lot a lot involved there er and some of you actually found that that there was quite a lot that you really had to almost worry about and think about and and er yesterday for the first time of doing it with this this new method it does take quite a bit of thinking about and as we agreed practice is is what 's what 's important ..
23 I went yesterday for the first time .
24 Figures released yesterday for the first four months of the year show total crime in the county is up 12pc on this time last year , with the detection rate down by 3pc .
25 Some were able to return home yesterday for the first time since Thursday .
26 ‘ I thought I might have to sell my ticket , ’ added Birch , who returned to action yesterday for the first time in six months .
27 A FRENCH prisoner in Nazi Germany who stayed behind the Iron Curtain after the Second World War for the love of a Ukrainian woman returned home yesterday for the first time in 52 years .
28 DISCUSSIONS between management and representatives of the 1,300 striking manual workers at Yarrow took place yesterday for the first time since the dispute began 12 days ago .
29 THE new crew of that colourful Clyde puffer , the Vital Spark , gathered yesterday for the first time aboard the vessel made famous in the Neil Munro tales .
30 KEVIN COOMBS Norman Lamont arrives yesterday for the first meeting of the Cabinet since the Budget
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