Example sentences of "yesterday [vb past] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 MARTIN CROWE ( 61 ) and Ken Rutherford ( 57no ) yesterday shared a fourth-wicket stand of 55 to steer New Zealand out of trouble in the second Test against Zimbabwe in Harare yesterday .
2 DALGETY , the Spillers to Golden Wonder food combine yesterday revealed a near 5 per cent increase in taxable profits despite the ‘ generally tough ’ trading conditions .
3 HAPPY Neil Greenwood yesterday hugged a little wonder — brother Brett .
4 The company yesterday announced a 19.7 p.c. increase in net profit to £208m , despite the recession and the impact of the Gulf war during the first half of its financial year .
5 ABBEY NATIONAL yesterday announced a one-point rise in its ordinary mortage rate to 14.5 per cent .
6 The company yesterday announced a final 12.6p dividend , lifting the total to 21.9p for the year , compared with 20.9p in 1991 .
7 WATMOUGHS , the colour printers , yesterday announced a new contract to print the News of the World colour magazine in 1994 , a 51 per cent jump in profits for 1992 and an ambitious £100 million investment programme over three years , writes Clifford German .
8 BRITISH shipowners yesterday announced a voluntary code for the routing of tankers which it is hoped will prevent another Braer disaster .
9 BT , which yesterday announced a six-month pre-tax profit of over Pounds 1 billion , admitted the sales ploy was ‘ an error ’ .
10 Saying that it suffered a sudden drop in demand during last year 's third quarter , an upsurge in the normally strong fourth quarter , and another significant decline in early 1993 , Amdahl Corp yesterday announced a big new round of cuts , saying that 1,100 jobs , 12.9% of its worldwide workforce , must go in response to current market conditions .
11 London & Manchester , the life insurance group , yesterday announced a 15 per cent increase in its interim dividend to 3.795p and warned that its profits would be hit by reduced turnover margins on its mortgage lending and estate agency business .
12 The UK 's largest building society , the Halifax , yesterday announced an 8.2 per cent rise in pre-tax profits for 1992 to £680 million — despite the ravages of the worst year for the housing market since the Second World War , which forced provisions up two-thirds to £374 million .
13 The ANC yesterday made a discreet ‘ no comment ’ on the latest rumours that the couple are on the verge of divorce .
14 People who bought Dixons traded options on Tuesday and sold once news of the bid was released yesterday made a 100 per cent profit in 24 hours .
15 NICK SKELTON , runner-up five times earlier in the show , yesterday made a final-day breakthrough with two successes at the Olympia showjumping championships .
16 SEVERAL opposition councillors yesterday made a last ditch attempt to block the closure of eight council-run old people 's homes in County Durham .
17 A judge yesterday made a unique ruling against Warwickshire County Cricket Club that could have repercussions in all sports .
18 PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe yesterday made an impassioned call for a Marxist-Leninist single party state in Zimbabwe .
19 THE Princess of Wales yesterday made an impassioned plea for help in stopping the ‘ terrible waste of young lives ’ caused by homelessness .
20 The Princess Royal yesterday made an impassioned plea for help on behalf of the country 's six million carers .
21 The Federation of Bakers yesterday made an increased pay offer of 9.5 per cent to bakery workers to save threatened Christmas bread supplies .
22 THE former Cabinet Minister , Mr Norman Tebbit , yesterday led an angry response from the Tory backbenches to Mr Douglas Hurd 's announcement in the Commons that up to 250,000 Hong Kong people will be offered full British citizenship in the hope of staunching the ‘ haemorrhage of talent ’ from the colony .
23 THE front room of a dying man 's home yesterday became a makeshift court for the initial stages of his legal battle with the tobacco industry .
24 ISRAEL yesterday maintained an embarrassed official silence on the capture by US troops in Panama of Mike Harari , a former Mossad officer and close aide to the deposed Panamanian leader , General Manuel Noriega .
25 POLICE hunting bombers who killed at least 250 people in a Bombay bloodbath yesterday found an unexploded bomb intact on a stolen motorcycle .
26 VAUXHALL Motors yesterday reported a 69 per cent leap in pre-tax profits for last year to £223.7 million .
27 PREMIER Consolidated Oilfields yesterday reported a 24 p.c. fall in full-year profits to £8.91m pre-tax , on turnover 24 p.c. lower at £32m .
28 IBM Corp yesterday reported a precipitous plunge of 19.4% in first quarter hardware business , with the AS/400 off between 10% and 20% on top of the expected decline in mainframe and big disk business .
29 HSBC Holdings , which bought Midland Bank last summer , yesterday reported a near doubling of profits in annual figures which included six months ' contribution from the UK clearing bank .
30 A THIEF at a fast food bar near Windsor Castle yesterday snatched an American tourist 's handbag — containing 10,000 dollars , jewellery worth £23,000 and a mini-TV .
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