Example sentences of "free from the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This transformation was due first to the influx of runaway serfs into the towns which meant that labourers free from the personal ties of feudalism , but having no access to the means of production , became a dependent and exploitable group which was to become the proletariat .
2 ‘ A guide to Church of England fees ’ is available free from the Pastoral Department ( General Section ) , Church Commissioners , 1 Millbank , London SW1P 3JZ , on receipt of an s.a.e .
3 Bursting free from the encircling wall in the late seventeen hundreds , the city expanded first rapidly to the north in the extensive New Town of broad streets and remarkable buildings , before developing steadily , through another two centuries until now it covers the slope between sea and hills .
4 J T Scoulding in Hudsons Ward spoke of housing , ‘ the immediate necessity of which is only too apparent and has been continually kept in the front of the Labour Party 's demands on the West Ham Council ’ , education ‘ free from the elementary school to the university thus give our class equality of opportunity ’ , and municipal employment , ‘ the local authority being model employers and setting the standard for the rest of the community in respect to wages and conditions of employment ’ ( Election leaflets , 1919 ) .
5 Returning in 1903 with the Morning and Terra Nova , Discovery was blasted free from the enclosing ice .
6 I 've got first hand experience of this , since the unit Epson provided for review had obviously been in use elsewhere before it got to me , and there was toner flying free from the part-used cartridge .
7 The Settled Land Act 1882 provided that the tenant for life should have power to sell , grant leases , or mortgage the land , giving to the purchaser , lessee , or mortgagee a title free from the beneficial interests under the settlement .
8 The institutional , legal and procedural definition of convocation had not been clear in 1307 nor was it finally resolved by 1327 : the clergy were struggling to free themselves from the enveloping quicksand of parliament , the king 's high court , and to reach the firm ground of an autonomous clerical assembly , no part of the king 's court ( with all that that implied ) and free from the intimidating presence , or intrusion , of those royal councillors who were laymen .
9 Fortunately the unbiased historical study of the New Testament , set free from the crippling restrictions of dogmatic assumptions , could once more uncover the heart of the matter and present modern men afresh with the abiding message and enduring essence of Christian faith .
10 He could hardly ease himself free from the great stinking weight .
11 Others said that Horsley saw in Hayling the image of what he had always wanted to be — idealistic , full of derring-do , glamorous , and free from the tedious baggage of conventional business life .
12 When Labour founded the National Health Service we lifted a great burden from the shoulders of ordinary families who were set free from the financial perils of ill health .
13 At the meeting , Luigi Zanda , a leading Italian campaigner for Venice and President of the Consorzio Venezia Nuova , made a plea , published here in place of the usual editorial ( see p.1 ) , for the future of Venice to be treated by the Italian government with a new sense of responsibility and morality free from the political factionism which stalemates so much of the country 's public life .
14 To the still ardent John Kemp the old Don is a romantic figure , while Don Baltasar for his part dreams of England as a glamorous country , free from the political pressures of his own adopted land .
15 So individualism must regard them as being in some way free from the determining influence of society , and it is this which makes the properties of individuals into a suitable stopping point for explanations .
16 I disembarked at Dover , cursing Benjamin , the King , the Lord Cardinal , and heartily wishing I was back in Ipswich , free from the baleful influence of the Great Ones of the soil .
17 While it is also bidding for the Channel 5 licence , the Astra service is more controllable and is free from the perceived whims of the Independent Television Commission and the high stakes of the bidding process .
18 The rationale for UDCs is presumably that the scale of urban decline necessitates the creation of independent , centrally-appointed development agencies that are free from the apparent constraints of local government .
19 The giant berg broke free from the Antarctic peninsula last August , threatening to cause havoc in the shipping lanes of the South Atlantic .
20 Rescuers took 19 minutes to cut him free from the mangled wreckage .
21 It was egalitarian and free from the weakening and divisive influence of the Roman world and of urban society .
22 The line was surprisingly good , free from the usual squawks and clicks , and coming through , smooth , bland , was the voice of Uncle Karl .
23 Now it is time to shake yourself free from the gentle form of the dove .
24 That unhinging extended back at least as far as the Japanese attack on the American fleet at Pearl Harbor in December 1941 , a crisis which allowed Franklin Roosevelt finally to break free from the congressional restraints on executive action that had been operative in the inter war period .
25 He preferred to follow his own political destiny free from the provincial constraints of western Ireland .
26 One great comber filled the canoe before she shook free from the cascading crests ; now they could not expect to make much headway and had to fight even harder to avoid broaching-to .
27 The observations so obtained should at least be free from the human bias that attends the study of our own species .
28 Copies are available free from The Single Market Unit , New King 's Beam House , 22 Upper Ground , London SE1 9PJ .
29 By their action in rebelling against King Oswiu and setting up Penda 's young son , Wulfhere , as their king ( see Appendix , Fig. 8 ) , the Mercians again broke free from the northern Anglian Humbrian federation and re-entered the arena of southern politics .
30 The party stood on a detailed manifesto which addressed local issues but stressed that the NILP had ‘ new ideas free from the old sectarian catch cries ’ .
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