Example sentences of "industry [conj] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 That is the best thing for industry and for a strong recovery from the recession .
2 The use of irradiation is a limited specialist application , mainly confined to certain parts of the dairy industry and for the treatment of shellfish , for which ultra violet light is used .
3 This may be true for the nuclear industry and for the utility that owns the Three Mile Island ( TMI ) power station , but in terms of the physical harm done to the public , the TMI accident proved to be virtually a non-event .
4 Congratulations to Usborne for a marvellous PR job for the computing industry and for the educational and fun use of the micro .
5 In the Structure Plan and in all earlier discussion , land was seen as something which provides a location for industry , for the population employed in and as a consequence of that industry and for the services necessary for that population .
6 For example , in April 1978 , the Bank of England asked banks to provide finance ‘ for both working capital and fixed investment by manufacturing industry and for the expansion of exports and the saving of imports ’ .
7 Whatever the causes of construction delays , they were to remain a persistent and seemingly insoluble problem , not only for the electricity supply industry but for a wide range of other British industries embarking on such large capital projects for decades thereafter .
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