Example sentences of "make [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But the immediate problem confronting him , of course , is how to explain the assumption that we normally make about the causal link between experiences and bodily states .
2 While I appreciate the point you make about the long standing nature of your request I must advise you that there are many similar locations throughout the Region where there is inadequate space to provide a bus shelter .
3 An approximation we make about the actual behaviour enables us to model this behaviour in a dynamic framework without complicating the estimation .
4 It follows that behind every statement we make about the historical Jesus there has to be a tacit qualification : ‘ We are told this by such-and-such an evangelist , writing in a particular literary mode , far a particular audience , in a particular place at a particular period of history . ’
5 But which of us , locked behind a desk or in a queue at the supermarket check-out , has not had an overwhelming desire to drop everything , run into the street , hail a passing cab and make for the nearest airport to catch a plane to anywhere ?
6 I have come to the conclusion that I may have to stick to one particular make for the right size .
7 Journalists blame this on the fact that Mr Heseltine , David Mellor and the other ‘ dogs of war ’ who make for the best viewing concentrated on attacking Labour .
8 Make fer the front door .
9 Re-reading them today one is reminded of what nonsense these individuals make of the bitter squabbles between Snow and F. R. Leavis nearly a century later .
10 How the House is televised is important ; far more important is how the House is broadcast — the use the broadcasters make of the clean feed they are given .
11 The puerto Rican mass murderer was now in bed , surrounded by a crowd of admiring listeners , lawyers , policemen , close relatives and beautiful women make with the pump-action shotgun .
12 Now pull yourself together , get back behind the keyboard and make with the Chris-style po-faced air of Weltschmerz .
13 I lower my pants and make with the magic handle .
14 ‘ The states that make up the contemporary Middle East are like beads on the ‘ masbaha ’ , or worry beads , so common in the region .
15 The infinitive after make in the passive
16 But they are also nervous that the calculations they make in the next two weeks may determine who will win and lose the political battles of the next two years .
17 Now for Tendulkar : how many Test runs will this elegant little genius make in the next dozen years ?
18 Make in the same way as potted crab .
19 The dressing table itself is basically a worktop : either a length of kitchen worktop or make from the same material as the rest of the system .
20 Slightly more personal is 60 ( ‘ Like as the waves make toward the pebbled shore ’ ) , but only at the very last gasp , as it were , defeating time : ‘ And yet to times in hope my verse shall stand , /Praising thy worth , despite his cruel hand . ’
21 There is no way we can decipher properly the individual contributions that different pairs of atoms make to the total atomic distribution .
22 Self-help schemes provide Latin American governments with a cheap solution for housing the poor , but the contribution they make to the wider socio-economic structure is more far-reaching .
23 One common problem in assessing the effect of closing lines is how best to take account of the ‘ contributory revenue ’ that branch lines make to the main lines .
24 Announcing the move in a Commons written reply , yesterday the Armed Forces Minister , Archie Hamilton , said : ‘ The organisation of army bands has been reviewed in order to ensure that the right numbers of bandsmen , providing music to the high standard expected , are employed in proportion to the army 's total size , and that the important contribution that bands make to the regimental system is retained . ’
25 And they make to the same place to their feed .
26 Have you any view Mrs as to the contribution which the road layout , the layout of the lanes , and the characteristics associated with those roads and lanes , make to the medieval centre of Skelton ?
27 The decisions you make concerning the right goals for you will depend on your current weight , your optimum weight , and the eating and exercise habits you recorded in your preparation phase .
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