Example sentences of "working on the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She parallels her experience struggling to gain control of her body on the trapeze with her struggle with the creative process ; ‘ working on the trapeze one is continually putting oneself in a position of overcoming fear .
2 Dyarchy had always depended for its successful working on the exercise of tactful influence by the British governor and his officials , who had their reputations invested in preventing the resignations of their Indian colleagues ; but Irwin 's formulation took the controlling role allotted to influence much further .
3 In working on the hide alone there are nine positions , at eight different rates of pay .
4 To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland how many direct employees of Scottish Enterprise are currently working on the defence industries initiative he announced on 14 October 1991 ; and if he will make a statement on the actions which have so far been taken .
5 Mat. 's door , in my own mind I had been slung out for encouraging unseemly behaviour from a male patient and was miserably working on the choice of my next career .
6 Researchers working on the biochemistry of learning and memory needed to develop new model systems , in which the changes we sought to identify would be big enough to be measured , yet in which we could be sure that they were n't simply artefacts .
7 As a result , Kandel began to make the sort of experiments that those working on the biochemistry of memory had already been struggling with ; adding radioactive precursors of protein to isolated ganglia or to cells in a dish , trying to identify the protein products , and to distinguish those made uniquely or in raised quantities during memory formation from the many others .
8 Fénéon , like other excellent critics , was a valued friend of artists , and so he remained all his life even though he gave up writing criticism after a decade of working on the Revue blanche from 1893 to 1903 .
9 By the time Darwin was working on the Origin of Species , the man who was to become his great opponent in the USA , Louis Agassiz , was using diagrams to show how the various families of fish had flourished and declined through the geological epochs ; and in his handsome volumes of 1857 , Contributions to the Natural History of the United States , I and II , he included a plate of turtles to show the range of variation within a species .
10 The complementary experiment was carried out a decade ago in the laboratory of the influential German school working on the origin of life under Manfred Eigen .
11 Mothers leave older tumblers to enjoy group songs and rhymes before they start working on the equipment .
12 I am glad to have the opportunity of welcoming you to WISE V — this special mobile classroom which British Rail Signal and Telecommunications Engineering has funded is to provide your pupils a chance to experience the excitement of working on the equipment on board .
13 Part of the advice one would want to give to any young person today is to thoroughly know your business by working on the factory floor .
14 I came down when my husband was working on the factory site then as I say , prior to us coming to live here this was had n't been even built so we 've seen it grow from the floor to what it is today , you know ?
15 Initially they were applied to facilities working on the development of new medicinal products but fairly quickly they were applied to safety development work for most environmentally important chemicals .
16 Prof Heinz Wolff , of Brunei University , is working on the development of aids to make everyday living easier and more comfortable for people with MND .
17 He became scientific adviser to the firm of telegraph engineers founded by his father , in partnership with Josiah Latimer Clark [ q.v. ] , in about 1869 , working on the development of techniques for duplexing signals in submarine telegraph cables , and making precision measurements of resistance and capacity .
18 A separate report indicated that Iran may have been working on the development of such a weapon on and off for a good decade .
19 Lowell , also stressed by Rose 's absence , was working on the nocturne .
20 Thinking fatigue had got the better of his tired mind , Jack Hayden did not worry unduly until the following Monday morning when a porter who had been working on the station Platform came to the mess room and saw a strange figure looking at Mr Hayden .
21 Mr Siddle , of Hesleden Avenue , Acklam , Middlesbrough , said they had been working on the operation the previous day and the pipe kept jamming when attempts were made to slot it into place .
22 We are busy redrawing the specification of Microconcord , in particular working on the user interface and considering whether we can in fact make Version 1 an indexing concordancer .
23 When Miss Thorne finished working on the scene he heard his companions sigh with relief .
24 Microsoft has also demonstrated voice mail working on the system — if you ca n't be bothered to type a message in , just record it instead !
25 The reason I say it 's , it 's , the system 's too old to go back to the Japs and say get this sorted out , rewrite the software because they 're just gon na say not likely we have n't made it for ten years , or whatever seven or eight years or whatever it is , it 's out of date , they 're not gon na start working on the system that 's that old all they 'll want to do is to sell you a new one
26 At the time , Dr. Zúñiga was working on the case of student Ernesto Castillo Páez , who ‘ disappeared ’ after he was reportedly detained by police on 21 October 1990 in Lima .
27 Police are still working on the case ; the Erfurt public prosecutor has evidence that the individuals arrested were not involved in the actual theft of the paintings from the museum .
28 The move is seen as a spur to get IBM working on the case rather than a serious threat : rivals say they have n't been approached to propose alternatives .
29 Detectives working on the case are working on the theory that they died of hypothermia or suffocation or a combination of both .
30 Since the news had spread about him working on the case , the whole of the station had been in a state of excitement .
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