Example sentences of "road and [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 All they felt was another thump as the lorry bounced gently off the far side of the road and down the lane that ran towards the railway .
2 Wildlife is abundant in fish , ducks and water hens , and it is a great joy in springtime to see mother ducks bring their families down the steep church embankment , across the road and onto the pond .
3 Once the road has been chosen , change management comes to mean knowing how to get off the existing road and onto the new one .
4 Fiona said , swinging the car off the main road and onto the drive that led to the castle .
5 Marie pushed the wheelchair out of the gardens , across the main road and past the souvenir shops .
6 Well it , it must have been heart trouble the earliest memory I have of that is mother sending me with a neighbour out of Street , a Mrs , to tell my Aunt Lucy which was my dad 's sister , who lived in Street house , house was right opposite their gateway , now Aunt Lucy and there was er her family she w married a fella in and her daughter , her son and me uncle was my dad 's brother , I lived in the house with her , but er I remember tagging this Mrs from the Street down to Street along road and past the hospital , then along Walk and I up in Street , and er tagging Mrs and er Mrs had never met Aunt Lucy and er me Aunt Lucy suffered , what in those days they call it white leg , a woman 's complaint she was bedridden and er when we went in she must have asked why we were there , Mrs was a little bit flabbergasted and I blurted it out oh me dad 's dead , and me Aunt Lucy nearly went into hysterics , so that 's , that 's all I can manage I remember about that .
7 The mortar team are still lobbing their bombs into the enemy positions as we dash across the road and over a five-bar gate , then double along the hedgerow that runs alongside the road .
8 They are inevitably stringent , but for obvious reasons : because fatigued drivers are a potential danger both to other users of the road and to the passengers whom they carry .
9 Whenever motorists used a particular section of road they would pay for the upkeep of the road and for the congestion they caused .
10 It was right across the road and on the pavement .
11 The donkeys , the little white donkeys of Cairo , lay about in the road and on the pavement among the huge green stacks of berseem brought there for their dinner by forage camels .
12 Well we 'll start off at the top of Road and on the one side there was the furniture people they used to make furniture .
13 From Adkin 109 , London Road proceed towards the ring road and at the roundabout take the second exit into Bayswater Road .
14 From our Headington Office , proceed down Windmill Road and at the mini roundabout continue over into the Slade .
15 Right next thing you ask her to stand in the middle of the road and under a train and she would do !
16 As he stood at the door trying to persuade her of the importance of other more pressing political issues , one of her cats shot out of the door , into the road and under the wheels of a passing lorry .
17 That he 'd gone out to look for her on the road and across the clunch pit field , returning alone half an hour later .
18 TWO YOUTHS miraculously escaped injury last night when the car they were travelling in crashed off a busy road and into a subway .
19 The men were the brothers of Patrick Welsh , one of the two men a jury had just cleared Mr Thompson of killing by using his Jaguar to force their van off the road and into a wall and lamp post .
20 As we squelched along the road and into the farmyard I felt a feeling of utter exhaustion .
21 After another battle with the gate they carried on to the end of the lane and walked on to the road and into the sunlight .
22 I ran out of the shed not looking back , raced across the old marshalling yard , out of the tumbledown gateway of the station , across the road and into the brightly lit warmth of the Railway Hotel bar .
23 On the personality scene , Paul Ross 's Jack Russell terrier Blencathra Badger won at Crufts and Doug Scott ( north Cumbria based ) drove off the road and into the river when looking for Grey Mare 's Tail .
24 So she did not notice that they were riding off the main road and into The Chase , the oldest wood in England .
25 They were sitting behind Mr Wright when his coach was forced off the road and into the bridge .
26 Nina Santos ( Nina means " child " in Spanish ) was an old lady in her sixties , the midwife of a small farming community of some 1,000 inhabitants in the department of La Libertad , some 75 km outside of San Salvador , 30 minutes walk from the main road and with no electricity or running water .
27 From Janet 's Foss my way led across the road and through a gate where the Dales Park have placed a plaque telling me that this is Gordale Scar and to keep to the path .
28 He took off again , shouting to the head of the flight , I saw the buses and the windows of the waiting room on my left and dived across the road and through the door .
29 Without the background notes we would not have known that , among many other points of interest , our boots crunched long the line of an 1805 horse-drawn tram road and beside a pub used as a meeting for Chartist agitators .
30 The present Holy Trinity church was consecrated in 1845 on a site on the main road and beside an already established village .
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