Example sentences of "long as it [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , it is most unlikely that Israel will give up its nuclear capability in the foreseeable future , so long as it foresees a threat to its land from its neighbour .
2 Run it well , so long as it pleases you .
3 ‘ Men who are rappers have to be sexist or they 're gon na lose their credibility , so they 're gon na continue to dis women for as long as it proves their manhood .
4 So long as it remains in this room , he wrote , it is not finished .
5 The same section further provides that ‘ … any enactment passed or to be passed … shall be construed and have effect subject to the foregoing … ’ and since the doctrine of supremacy of Community law is arguably a part of Community law this provision appears to have the effect , so long as it remains law , of establishing the primacy of Community law , ( s.2 ( 4 ) ) .
6 British law in this area is roughly based on the liberal precept that immorality may only be tolerated so long as it remains a wholly private matter .
7 10.7.10 The rights and licences hereby granted or agreed to be granted to a Non-academic Party pursuant to Clauses 10.7.2 b to 10.7.6 shall be exercisable on identical terms by any Related company of that Party for so long as it remains such , subject to the obtaining from such companies of suitable undertakings as to confidence and delivery up .
8 I 'm willing therefore to call it ‘ A Lakeland Circuit ’ , so long as it remains merely ‘ a ’ circuit and does not become ‘ the ’ circuit .
9 So long as it remains within 8″ of its regiment during the game , the detachment may take any leadership-based tests on the leadership value of the parent regiment , including any bonuses that apply for standards , magic items , and so forth .
10 In the case of a private company , a pre-1982 pre-emptive requirement is to be treated as if it were in its memorandum or articles so long as it remains a private company .
11 Hence section 252 provides that a private company ( whether or not small or medium-sized ) may elect ( by elective resolution in accordance with section 379A ) to dispense with the laying of accounts , and this dispensation applies in respect of the financial year in which the election is made and to subsequent financial years so long as it remains in force .
12 Clearly , this must be the case so long as it remains the only easily available platform for interactive multimedia .
13 In TRACE II , a parallel architecture is employed in which each of the nodes is a relatively simple processing element which continues to send activation and inhibition to other nodes for as long as it remains active .
14 So long as it maintains the idea that believers talking to unbelievers are like people explaining to the blind what it is like to see , reason may be tolerated .
15 It is clear then that the DUP will receive the votes of the working-class loyalists so long as it retains an image of being more unionist than the Officials , unless there should be an alternative to the right of the DUP .
16 ‘ Cheap electricity 's the answer to the first — sod the cost to the environment so long as it keeps down the cost to the consumer .
17 Well , it 's all Greek to me , but so long as it keeps him happy . ’
18 He might feel that any heir , even one who disinherits him , is worth having so long as it keeps the name going . ’
19 ‘ So long as it stays like that . ’
20 long as it goes in n it ?
21 Modigliani and Miller argue that this situation can not persist for long as it offers arbitrage profits to the individual investor .
22 Maximum clarity , he wrote , for as long as it takes .
23 Immediate first aid for a bleeding nose is to tilt the head back and pinch the nostrils together for as long as it takes .
24 The compensation deal will cost the government an estimated A$100m and involves Canberra waiving airport landing charges for as long as it takes the airlines to recoup their losses from keeping about 21,000 non-pilot employees on their staff during the dispute .
25 A spokesman said the seven Kurds released from Haslar detention centre , near Gosport , Hampshire , and all 18 from Gloucester Prison were given temporary admission ‘ for as long as it takes to assess their cases ’ .
26 The White House spokesman , Mr Marlin Fitzwater , said yesterday that the troops would stay for ‘ as long as it takes , ’ while a subdued Defence Secretary , Mr Dick Cheney , added : ‘ Within the next few weeks we 'll be able to meet the objectives . ’
27 With its inflation still rising , the country on the verge of a perilous wage-price spiral and public finances deeply in the red , the Bundesbank has made it clear that it will keep the German economy locked in a vice of high interest rates for as long as it takes to squeeze out inflation .
28 In extremely dry periods , the lungfish of Africa just bury themselves in the mud at the bottom of their temporary ponds , and wait for as long as it takes until it rains again .
29 We just use whatever plane we can for as long as it takes : Singapore in eight hours of helicopter flight , Egypt in 50 .
30 They had little alternative but to stay there ‘ for as long as it takes ’ .
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