Example sentences of "taking her [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No , I 'm taking her to the doctor 's . ’
2 Now they are taking her to the High Court .
3 The previous evening they had insisted on taking her to the cinema , ignoring her protests that she would rather see the Molière play at the Comédie Française , to watch Jacques Prévert 's film Les Enfants du Paradis .
4 Rain had no clear idea what to do with her , apart from taking her to the Villa Fiesole , and she was already seeing the warped logic of Edouard 's argument : Barbara Coleman might be safer where she was .
5 They had always done their best to help Eva switch off during her breaks taking her to the Great Barrier Reef , Tropical Tablelands , coast , islands — wherever they could manage .
6 A further door led off to the right , with a tiled passage taking her to the bathroom , and another large square room at the end , which was probably the dining-room .
7 The court 's hearings were in private , but the judgment revealed that the Attorney General , Harold Whelehan , had obtained a temporary injunction on Feb. 7 preventing the parents of the girl from taking her to the UK for an operation .
8 Tess manages to infiltrate the world of high finance with a fabulous proposal that has the potential of taking her to the top .
9 ‘ Are you taking her to the Moulid ? ’
10 David had n't been on duty at the factory that afternoon and Rachel had wondered if he would suggest picking her up from her flat and taking her to the hospital , but he had n't , and his failure to do so only emphasised the coolness that was rapidly growing between them .
11 For Rachel , who had never before experienced such intensity of feeling , it was as if he 'd transported her to another world — a world where every sensation was heightened , every touch the prelude to yet more delight as he explored and worshipped every inch of her body before taking her to the peak of fulfilment .
12 He said he did everything he could to calm Farrow down , including on two occasions taking her to the exclusive Carlyle Hotel and sleeping with her after she begged him to do so .
13 ‘ Six months ago , we never thought she would ever achieve her ambition but , fingers crossed , I 'll soon be taking her to the school gates and she can sit in class with the other youngsters , just like she always wanted . ’
14 and for a treat he 's taking her to the , er nostalgic weekend at
15 Still gripping Nicola 's shirt , Goldman pulled her in and punched her , missing her face when she lurched away from the blow , but taking her on the body .
16 Did Eve hate the Westwards who were so rich for not taking her into the big house ?
17 I 'm going upstairs and I 'm stripping her and taking her into the bath with me . ’
18 Wait until your baby has been walking for a few weeks before taking her for the first shoe fitting , as toes are crucial in gripping the floor while learning to toddle .
19 She remembered dinner , then dancing with Jack Butler , Annie saying something to her , a nun taking her by the arm .
20 ‘ Maybe one day we 'll come back , ’ Volkov said , taking her by the arm .
21 The governor raised his shaggy brows at Flavia Sherman in a theatrical expression of sympathy as her husband launched into a detailed discussion of his hunting plans , and taking her by the elbow , he guided her away towards the waiting throng to begin introducing her .
22 I 'll be with you in a few minutes , ’ and he whipped up his coat from among a stack of luggage and instruments lying in the hall , and taking her by the arm he hurried her through the kitchen .
23 ‘ But we will go and look just the same , ’ he decided , and , taking her by the arm , he guided her to the front of the building and over to a high parapet .
24 This prevented her parents taking her from the home of her 18-year-old boyfriend where she has been living .
25 Alison 's taking her in the van .
26 And then when they were taking her in the ambulance , the nerves , I was sitting fucking laughing
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