Example sentences of "taking him [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 Of course Alison was not ‘ living in ’ the house , but was often there visiting Patrick ( her help as a nurse was no longer required ) , joining Jack in his studio ( where she talked with him about his work ) , or chatting with him and Franca in the drawing room or kitchen before departing with Jack to a restaurant and taking him on to her flat for the night .
2 ‘ I 'm taking him up to that wood . ’
3 In fact when the cleaning lady has an ‘ audit ’ of his desk and tidies up the heaps , it is a ‘ nightmare ’ , taking him up to half a day to get back on track .
4 Sanjurjo perished at the very outset when the plane taking him back to Spain from his Portuguese exile crashed on take-off .
5 There had been no acquittal since they were taking him back to the prison .
6 It was a nostalgic sound , taking him back to the flat in Notting Hill where he and Frances had started their married life ; and started Juliet ; and , in a way , started living apart .
7 Given the dating technique of the time Halling Man was thought to have been Aurignacian , taking him back to the closing phase of the Ice Age .
8 ‘ We are taking him back to the institution .
9 Frankie 's On brought him full circle in a way , taking him back to his music hall roots with its audience involvement .
10 Stanley 's family helped initially by taking him out to the pub , but he was worse on his return .
11 Taking him along to the Daniel Rouah Barber Shop in Baker St. , London .
12 One of them proposed arresting him as he lay on his bed and taking him off to prison with all the bedclothes .
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