Example sentences of "evidence [vb pp] at the " in BNC.

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1 The second answer describes a procedure which relies , in principle , upon oral evidence received at the actual trial , a good deal of importance being attached to the impression the court forms of the parties and the witnesses as they give their evidence .
2 The IDA eventually dropped the idea of Nad , according to evidence given at the An Bord Pleanala appeal , because most of the suitable land was held in common .
3 It was this development and in particular the evidence given at the Ro-Ro inquiry which in due course prompted the council to bring the present proceedings .
4 ‘ In the judgment of this court , when a witness is shown to have made previous statements inconsistent with the evidence given by that witness at the trial , the jury should not merely be directed that the evidence given at the trial should be regarded as unreliable ; they should also be directed that the previous statements , whether sworn or unsworn , do not constitute evidence upon which they can act .
5 ‘ From the evidence gathered at the scene , it was very similar to incidents which have occurred elsewhere in the country , ’ Mr Mellish added .
6 Applying the ordinary standard of proof in civil cases to the evidence presented at the public inquiry , there had to be proof on the balance of probabilities .
7 The appeal hearing opened on May 15 , 1990 , with Demjanjuk 's lawyers arguing that he had been the victim of mistaken identity and that evidence presented at the original trial had been forged .
8 Evidence presented at the International Ornithological Congress in New Zealand has suggested that the " de-beaking " of chickens , widely used in the poultry industry , may not be as benign a practise as previously thought .
9 Following evidence produced at the Special Commissioners ' hearing , W purported to revise the accounting period by virtue of s 247(8) , TA 1970 so that it ran from 1 February 1977 to 31 January 1978 , rather than 25 October 1977 .
10 According to the Far Eastern Economic Review of March 22 , evidence produced at the first day of the trial " implicated Tanay and other top brass " .
11 If the question depends simply on the oral evidence led at the trial , even a decision of the House of Lords on appeal from one of these cases need not settle the matter .
12 Their Lordships , however , mindful that one of the recommended courses open to the Court of Appeal is to order a new trial , are of the opinion that on the evidence adduced at the original trial the judge was right to direct the jury as he did .
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