Example sentences of "process know as [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Oxidising agents : are chemicals which alter the chemical composition of dirt by a process known as oxidisation usually by contributing oxygen or chlorine to the dirt .
2 The spadefoot has one of the fastest rates of development of any frog or toad , but it still has to undergo the process known as metamorphosis — the egg does not hatch into an adult , but into a tadpole , which has to reach a certain critical size before it can finally metamorphose into a tiny toad .
3 The effect of stimulus generalisation is balanced by a process known as stimulus discrimination .
4 This is a process known as denaturisation
5 These are able to mobilize metal cations , such as Fe 3 + ; and Al 3 + ; , which are virtually insoluble under normal Eh-pH conditions , a process known as chelation .
6 The discovery suggests that nature can absorb fresh genetic material — such as the products of biotechnology experiments — without harmful consequences , but may at the same time reinforce fears that " foreign " DNA can find its way into native species , a process known as transformation .
7 Most financial intermediaries are thus involved in a process known as maturity transformation whereby deposits generally have a shorter term than have their loans .
8 Animals and plants respond to these changes through a process known as photoperiodism .
9 For them , losing their tails as a way of saving their heads is a common event , and is a specialised process known as autotomy , which literally means ‘ self-cutting ’ .
10 Unlike their relatives the gibbons , orangs do not leap , though they can swing from tree to tree , a process known as brachiation .
11 The code for a particular protein is first copied by a process known as transcription into a complementary molecule , messenger-RNA , which is also made up of four nucleotides .
12 These plate margins are of three types : ( 1 ) divergent , where crustal material moves apart , under the oceans by a process known as sea-floor spreading ; ( 2 ) convergent , where one plate plunges down into the underlying mantle ( also known as subduction zones ) ; ( 3 ) transform faults , where one plate slides laterally with respect to its neighbour , crust being here neither created ( 1 ) nor destroyed ( 2 ) ( Fig. 18.1 ) .
13 This is because of the process known as plate tectonics .
14 It respires anaerobically , by a process known as fermentation ; breaking down sugars to produce carbon dioxide and alcohol .
15 This salvage occurs through a process known as fermentation in which anaerobic bacteria breakdown carbohydrate to short chain fatty acids ( SCFA ) , which in turn provide energy for the host .
16 But a nucleus can in other circumstances emit an electron in a process known as beta decay , which occurs via the weak nuclear interaction ( figure 1a ) .
17 A process known as saponification .
18 They stop the process known as mitosis , in which the chromatin of the nucleus is divided into precisely matching portions for each daughter cell .
19 As the overlying strata are gradually removed by erosion and these rocks reach the surface they undergo expansion or dilation — a process known as pressure release — which promotes the development of joints .
20 Both occur because the arteries carrying blood to the heart muscle become blocked or narrowed , usually by a deposit of fatty substances , a process known as atherosclerosis .
21 The most active Liberal associations are keen on stirring up interest in purely local issues — a process known as community politics .
22 When a cartoon is made using traditional animation techniques , each cel is drawn with the preceding cel in the sequence below it — a process known as onion skinning — so that registration and the level of movement suggested can be seen .
23 These claim to be able to clean and disinfect in one process known as sanitisation ( BS 5283 : 1976 ) .
24 Ablation of area 17 leads to almost total loss of cells in the dorsal lateral geniculate body , a process known as retrograde degeneration .
25 Of equal importance are signals between groups of cells , a process known as induction , which historically at least , is considered to be the major mode of interaction in the development of embryos .
26 That was just the opposite of Roux 's result and was the first clear demonstration of the process known as regulation : the ability of the embryo to develop normally even when some portions are removed or rearranged .
27 The technique of splitting water to release chemical energy is half of the process known as photosynthesis .
28 Most plants use the sun 's light to manufacture their food through a process known as photosynthesis .
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