Example sentences of "act [adj] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Section 4 of the 1982 Act amends the Law Reform ( Miscellaneous Provisions ) Act 1934 so as to exclude the survival of any claim for damages for loss of earnings during the lost years for the benefit of the estate in respect of deaths occurring on or after 1 January 1983 .
2 The major amendments are : to s 1 , CA 1985 to allow a private limited company to be formed or to operate with only one member ; to s 24 , CA 1985 so that it no longer applies to private limited companies ( so , if a company becomes a single member company as a result , say , of the transfer of the shares of one of two members to the other , the sole member will not lose the benefit of limited liability as could formerly be the case ) ; to s 122(1) ( e ) of the Insolvency Act 1986 so that it no longer applies to private limited companies .
3 The Society 's view is that a more positive solution is needed : to amend the Financial Services Act 1986 so as to make it clear precisely how far rules made under the Act displace the general law .
4 Would he agree to support a review of the Reserve Forces Safeguard of Employment Act 1985 so that we shall not have in the future the rash of litigation that has been needed against employers who have declined to accept reservists back since the Gulf war ?
5 Section 2 of the Sex Discrimination Act 1986 amends s. 6(4) of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 so as to provide that it is unlawful for a person to discriminate against a woman :
6 Clause 2 amends the Prison Act 1952 so as to increase the penalty for sending anything into prison with the intent to facilitate an escape .
7 If there was not , A might still believe that B was looking for something to steal , which could constitute an attempt to steal under the Criminal Attempts Act 1981 notwithstanding that there was nothing there that B would have stolen .
8 In Genentech Inc. " s Patent [ 1989 ] , it was held , inter alia , in the Court of Appeal that a patent which claimed the practical application of a discovery did not relate to the discovery as such and was not excluded by section 1(2) of the Patents Act 1977 even if the practical application might be obvious once the discovery had been made .
9 The defendant counterclaimed that as a residential occupier she was protected by section 3 of the Protection from Eviction Act 1977 so that she could only be evicted by means of execution of a warrant of possession , and she sought damages for unlawful eviction under section 27 of the Housing Act 1988 ..
10 By a respondent 's notice dated 25 January 1992 the defendant sought that the judgment be affirmed on the additional ground that she was a residential occupier within the meaning of section 27 of the Act of 1988 because her right to remain in occupation was controlled by the Rent Act 1977 so that she could not be evicted except by enforcement of the possession order by a bailiff executing a warrant for possession , whether or not her statutory tenancy had been terminated by the possession order .
11 In his well argued submissions Mr. Wall submitted that the discretion conferred on the court by article 13 ( a ) of the Convention is a discretion to be exercised ( a ) within the context of the purpose and principles laid down by the Convention and ( b ) by applying the criteria contained within the Convention itself , and that it is accordingly not a discretion to exercise the inherent jurisdiction of the court in wardship or under the Children Act 1989 so as to act in what the court perceives to be the best interests of the child .
12 Does my hon. Friend agree that the answer lies in early amendment of the Trade Descriptions Act 1968 so that the misleading claims to which he has referred can be squashed ?
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