Example sentences of "act [adj] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ( The 1980 Education Act and the 1986 Social Security Act each further restricted the supply of free milk . )
2 As sections 12 and 14 of the Public Order Act 1986 implicitly recognise , these are powers of considerable constitutional significance , since they involve the imposition of conditions on persons who are engaging in otherwise perfectly lawful behaviour .
3 Section 10 of the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 and s.213 of the Insolvency Act 1986 together provide that if in the course of winding up it appears that any business of the company has been carried on with intent to defraud creditors of the company or other persons , or for any fraudulent purpose , the liquidator may apply to the court for a declaration that any persons who were knowingly parties to such fraudulent trading are liable to make such contributions to the company 's assets as the court thinks proper .
4 Not only is this common-sense , but a section of THE gas act 1986 actually says we 're obliged to do it !
5 It may also be noted that the Local Government Act 1986 specifically prohibits any council from spending money for party political purposes .
6 The Companies Act 1985 also contains provisions relating to the protection of minorities , for example , on the issue of shares for non-cash consideration , compulsory purchase provisions on takeovers and other general provisions .
7 There is no professional restriction in force which prohibits the formation of a solicitors ' limited partnership under the Limited Partnerships Act 1907 and , indeed , s717(1) ( a ) of the Companies Act 1985 expressly contemplates their existence .
8 Section 322A of the Companies Act 1985 now provides that such a transaction is voidable ( i.e. can be set aside ) by the company unless it is ratified by the company by a special resolution of its members .
9 Section 3(1) of the European Communities Act 1972 expressly provides that the meaning or effect of any of the Treaties ‘ shall be treated as a question of law ( and , if not referred to the European Court , be for determination as such in accordance with the principles laid down by and any relevant decision of the European Court ) ’ . ’
10 The Local Government ( NI ) Act 1972 closely followed the recommendations of the Macrory Report , but this did not imply a consensus about the merit of the proposals .
11 The Local Government Act 1972 specifically states that the only business which can be transacted is that appearing in the summons convening the meeting .
12 New rules in s88 and Sch 8 Finance Act 1993 now restrict the usefulness of capital losses carried forward in a target company which is acquired by a capital gains tax group .
13 The Peerage Act 1963 now enables them to sit for all .
14 However , the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 has in relation to exemption clauses made a large inroad into this doctrine of freedom of contract and section 55(1) of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 now reads as follows :
15 The Sale of Goods Act 1979 only gives you an entitlement to money back if the goods are faulty , misdescribed or not fit for the purpose you requested them to perform .
16 The Social Security Pensions Act 1975 specifically allows employers to exclude workers from membership of occupational pension schemes by occupational category , thus facilitating the legal exclusion of women in vertically segregated occupational categories which are mainly or exclusively female .
17 The Statutory Instruments Act 1946 only applies , not unsurprisingly , to statutory instruments .
18 In the other two scenes , what is involved is not much more than a relatively conventional dramatic mechanism : in the Sunday Morning scene ( Act Two , scene one ) the music in church provides a kind of running commentary to the developing quarrel between Ellen and Peter ( in the manner of countless 19th-century operas from Faust to Werther ) , while the barn dance of Act Three similarly updates an ironic tradition stretching at least from The Marriage of Figaro to Wozzeck .
19 The Companies Act 1981 also provided that in determining the aggregate amount of any item in a company 's balance sheet or profit and loss account , the amount of each individual asset or liability included in that amount shall be determined separately .
20 In a different way , the Equal Opportunities Commission and the Commission for Racial Equality are empowered by the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and the Race Relations Act 1976 respectively to render assistance to individuals alleging discrimination .
21 The provisions of the Charities Act 1992 probably affect the activities of most charities in the UK .
22 The Education Act 1962 currently limits mandatory grant support to full-time first degree and comparable courses .
23 The Consumer Credit Act 1974 and the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 largely prevent these abuses , but it is true that , in so far as those Acts allow them to , finance companies still insist on the terms being as beneficial to themselves as possible .
24 The Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 accordingly applies to a disclaimer in such a form purporting to exclude the valuer 's liability in negligence to the purchaser .
25 The Protection from Eviction Act 1977 still applies to most lettings .
26 Medea 's aria with the children before the murder in Act 3 also promises a higher musical flight , only to fall into squareness .
27 Medea 's aria with the children before the murder in Act 3 also promises a higher musical flight , only to fall into squareness .
28 The Parliament Act 1911 still recites that ‘ it is intended to substitute for the House of Lords as it at present exists a Second Chamber constituted on a popular instead of hereditary basis ’ and explains the Act itself as a temporary measure pending such a substitution .
29 This is probably an aberrant copy ; but it may just represent a true 1692 state with the stage/page discrepancies in Act 1 already made good .
30 ‘ For example , the beautiful Nocturne at the end of Act 1 only makes it impression if it emerges out of the preceding dialogue , which gradually bridges the mood from Bénédict 's very energetic aria to the reflective conversation between two women .
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