Example sentences of "need [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They need milk from an adult and they need it regularly .
2 Some find their feet quickly ; but I find that some assistants need support for the first few weeks , and it 's up to me and Joan and Wendy to give it . ’
3 Staff need support in the area of risk taking , to allow residents to retain some capacities for self-care and some independence .
4 All government workers from the hospital need permission from the Public Service Commission ( PSC ) to do any follow-up work in the neighbouring village of Lebowa .
5 Individual citizens and minority communities themselves need protection against the power of the state and against discrimination and unfair treatment .
6 The government is failing to provide reliable timely information to people who need protection from the effects of pollution . "
7 The door is wide open for their exploitation , Britain is being hailed as the Taiwan or the sweatshop of Europe and the government are extolling the virtues of investment in Britain for its cheap labour costs , well , how much more then do the workers of Poland , Czechoslovakia , Hungary , Rumania and rest need protection from the money-hungry , the power-crazy multi-nationals of the West ?
8 Obviously erm in in receiving those additional figures I accept what the in senior inspector says about not er opening up the need side of the debate but clearly is I think the er Mr from Harrogate is saying it does it does cast a question mark on the supply dimension of the debate in terms of additional and commitments coming into the the figures to meet the Greater York housing requirement .
9 Some parents are very unsure about how to start toilet training their child and need guidance in the early stages .
10 We need research into the effectiveness of our advertising , to be completed by August 1992 , so that the 1993 programme can be properly planned .
11 They need help of a different kind .
12 Such pro forma applications will not help genuine claimants who need help through the social security system .
13 Other families need help over a longer period , although the group is careful not to overlap with the work of professional staff from the social services .
14 Need help with a drug problem ?
15 If you need help with the cost of installing a telephone , you may be able to get help from the social services department .
16 ‘ To ensure that artists are fully aware of all conditions and clauses we will offer a list of music industry lawyers for them to choose from if they need help with the contract .
17 Who is the main source of help for those older people who need help with the basic activities of daily living ?
18 Bring in any residents who need help to the dining room .
19 We only call dolphins when we need help in a rough sea , or we are in difficulty or if there is something we would like to know about relatives at a distance over the ocean .
20 ‘ It 's better to tell them beforehand , ‘ You wheel the chair and if I need help in a shop , I 'll let you know . ’
21 Many older people need help in the period after being discharged from hospital .
22 It may be done through their general practitioner , or , if they are being discharged from hospital and obviously need help in the home , it may be arranged by the hospital social worker .
23 I sometimes need help in the kitchen and … ’
24 Well I work for the organization Crossroads , and I think what I find in in my contacts with carers is that they need help in the way , and when they need it however , our organization is restricted by lack of funding
25 Many of the aged , therefore , need help in the home , or perhaps residential care , and a considerable number will require intensive medical and nursing care at some stage .
26 ‘ Boon has always cared for the ordinary man and woman — old ladies who need help in the post office or the bloke in the pub who breaks down and confesses he 's being hounded by loan sharks .
27 ‘ As the representative of a multi-national organisation , I need help from a solicitor to organise the takeover of a firm overseas . ’
28 I sing in a band , from time to time , a woman 's band , sort of a makeshift bossa nova affair , though not one of us can play a thing and we always need help from the boys .
29 But they need help from the Home Secretary both to do their basic job properly and to take their share in such initiatives , and I greatly regret that help has not been forthcoming .
30 The teacher might add the information that we need help from the aliens ourselves , or that the aliens look much more gentle than we had feared .
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