Example sentences of "need for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All the kit you need for a day at the races .
2 On to Wing On Street , better known as Cloth Alley , where you can find silks , linens and wools at incredibly low prices , and where the salesmen know exactly how much you need for a shirt or a suit .
3 All you need for a marker is a Fishing Gazette pike bung or a piece of polystyrene tied to a stone with a length of line about 12 inches longer than the depth of swim .
4 Well , you ought to know it well enough to write five or six lines about it , which is all you need for a book .
5 Like here in the north of Australia , I 've been waiting for two days for the light I need for a shot of some valleys .
6 ( a ) Need for a proxy
7 If you have just gained the exam results you need for a place at university or college , or for a job , than congratulations !
8 Sometimes we come very close to the world outside , for example when we hear someone say the words we need for a piece of writing we 're involved in we commit it lovingly to memory so we can use it .
9 Better by far to tackle equity withdrawal on big loans , where better-off house-buyers borrow £20,000 more than they need for a house-purchase , to buy that flashy car they have always wanted .
10 It 's almost exactly the same … we get everything we need for the notes written on the board so we can just copy it down … so it 's just the same as school , except the homework — when you do those problem sheets , they do n't bother to mark it .
11 Bankers are generally in a position to make specific conditions for providing finance and so have little need for the audit , abbreviated accounts filed 10 months after the year end are of little value to trade suppliers and customers , and the Revenue 's reliance on audited accounts is ‘ largely illusory ’ , the Institute says .
12 Why we , we need this money , we need for the bringing of reform in Iran .
13 But I I I think you should say a clear and simple statement of what our what we need for the company or person approached is
14 The number of enquiries which a bureau receives can not be a measure of the value of or need for the service .
15 In the summer we let the horses out on the fields and every morning we catch the horses we need for the day 's work .
16 ‘ Single 50p coins and £1 coins in the collection plate are not going to get us anywhere near what we need for the life of today 's Church . ’
17 Just take a small bag with what you need for the night and a warm pullover and leave the key to your door with your next-door neighbours . ’
18 ‘ Now the way is open to St Bede 's and St Augustine 's parents to get what they need for the good of their children .
19 I hope we will borrow very modestly , it 'll be affordable , we 're not reckless , we 'll be doing what the majority of people in this country do , borrow within their limits for the things that they need for the future such as a home , or a car , something like that .
20 eh what she needs is what we need for the summer weather Connie , my brother is
21 Then we are to pray for the things we need for the doing of that holy will — food for the body and soul , forgiveness for the failures and sins of the past , and help to forgive others who sin against us , protection in temptation and deliverance from evil .
22 For partnerships you need to know the same information as you need for an individual but for all partners .
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