Example sentences of "either [noun] or [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But the reality is that , whilst such liberation has had its positive effects , many people , particularly in working-class communities , do not have the opportunity , do not have access to either money or education , to make positive use of such a philosophy of personal liberation except in very restricted terms .
2 For Bob and Tessa 's house Jannie projected all the reconstruction and improvement which she and John had never found either money or energy enough to carry out in their own .
3 If that is not the case , strengthened by your ( the Assembly 's ) support , and by that of the Nation , we shall know how to fulfil our duty without either weakness or hesitation .
4 Aquinas himself saw no finality in the solutions offered by either Aristotle or Ptolemy to the problems of planetary motion .
5 This procedure applies to actions brought for the recovery of a sum , in either contract or tort , not exceeding £1000 .
6 Modernity , then , is incurably materialistic but it can look towards either collectivism or individualism .
7 You argue that either luck or strength is needed to kill without firearms — yet , in 1989 alone , 3,458 Americans were cut , slashed , or stabbed to death , and another 1,128 were bludgeoned to death .
8 First , we studied the intestinal interactions of calcium , phosphate , fatty acids , and bile acids in animals fed the low calcium and phosphate control diet or this diet supplemented with either calcium or calcium and phosphate .
9 User/module names will be transferred when ‘ inhibit ’ or ‘ delete ’ is specified for either user or module details .
10 Like several of us in The Bar at that time , when I made love , or masturbated by myself , I often used to have fantasies about doing it with either O or Boy .
11 The doctors detailed the attempts made at resuscitation , but by 2.40 it was concluded that there was no activity in either heart or brain and that the President must be declared dead .
12 If Englishmen in America were to push on to the west , it was fairly predictable that there would be clashes with the thinly scattered Indian population , and it was quite certain that if they went far enough either west or north they would meet the French .
13 President Clinton and Congress , however , have no intention of reducing either income or investment taxes .
14 Within the post-war period , the two most enduring changes appear to have been a marked transfer from rough pasture to either woodland or farmland , and Parry et al .
15 He finds it far more challenging than shooting either grouse or pheasant , which he has also done plenty of .
16 Disappointingly though , in her efforts to be balanced Valentine rarely lets us see just where she stands ; though she does make a strong plea for psychologists not to ape either physics or sociology .
17 You will now be able to see the type of ceiling which is fitted below the joists — either plasterboard or lath-and-plaster .
18 As the house is of the Georgian period , I was thinking of oak as a possibility , but I would be most grateful if you could let me know what other types of wood are suitable , either hardwood or softwood , including some of the foreign hardwoods that are now available .
19 A more serious problem arises where the applicant does not rate highly in terms of either expertise or ability , that is where the content of the degree is irrelevant , and the quality of it uninspiring .
20 The lead-in pipes are either pvc or concrete , sometimes encased with a weak concrete mix .
21 No matter — Motian 's small groups have been ‘ led ’ by Frisell 's electric guitar since the 1980s and in practice , Evans 's complex Walkin' up , or the equally complex interplay of instruments and tempi in Five do more than simply survive with either guitar or saxophone ( or both ) leading .
22 • have a firm diagnosis of either tenosynovitis or writer 's cramp .
23 ‘ But where the delivery has been delayed through the fault of either buyer or seller the goods are at the risk of the party at fault as regards any loss which might not have occurred but for such fault . ’
24 The study by Williams et al reported no metabolism of either butyrate or glutamine by biopsy specimens taken from two UC patients , although there was no report on tissue viability .
25 The new king , 22 when he ascended the throne , had studied fortification in the schoolroom , but he was not , by either temperament or training , a soldier .
26 The pain barriers appear just as in marathon running and , as in other endurance sports , many people withdraw , suffering from either dehydration or cramp .
27 Traditionally , life insurance policies have been geared to either protection or investment , rarely to both .
28 The coffin itself should have the joints sealed with either bitumen or paraffin wax on the inside , and no more is needed .
29 The project is concerned with examining the effects of a major geographical move on the individual in terms of psychological state , health , and efficiency , with specific emphasis on students who leave home to take a place at either university or boarding school .
30 However , contemplating our political parties and their programmes I see no hope of a potential Fairy Godmother prepared to wave a financial wand which would render unnecessary either University or College fundraising .
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